Life at Compass

No I did not!

Yeah, I've actually been meaning to call you about that.

"Dexter told me that we can fly this thing in an inverted negative 8 G dive."

"Did Dexter also tell you it was necessary to do this to keep up communications?"

"How'd you know!!"

"Have you ever seen top gun?"

"No, what's that?"

For those planning on flying out of PSP on Friday after the job fair, plan accordingly. Air Force 1 will be shuttling the Obama's there for one last jaunt.
Um. No. Why? Air Force 1 can and will always mess up airspace and air travel.

Though I guess he won't be president then, so maybe I'll be a standard flight. Who knows.

He won't even be flying the 747 to PSP. I believe that he'll be traveling on one of government Gulfstreams. And as @bimmerphile stated, he will no longer be the president, after Trump is sworn is as #45. So no TFR's. He's just a private citizen now.
He won't even be flying the 747 to PSP. I believe that he'll be traveling on one of government Gulfstreams. And as @bimmerphile stated, he will no longer be the president, after Trump is sworn is as #45. So no TFR's. He's just a private citizen now.

An article I read said he will fly on SAM 29000. I believe it is also traditional for the outgoing president to fly on the VC-25 one last time to their "home" destination.
If so I stand corrected about that part. But he will no longer be president, and thus have TFR's shutting down Palm Springs airpsace.
idk, it may be a smaller VIP TFR, just not the 30nm r ring of death or the ground stop while the aircraft is in the terminal environment
kind of funny, this is the first time in 8 years that Obama might see a GA aircraft in flight over his head