I just got a new job working way closer to home and flying better equipment. I'm still a PIC on the King Air's and will be FO on the Lear 35/55 and a Hawker. I'm honestly not going to miss flying the Citation and I'm looking forward to the challenge of learning a couple new airplanes.
It was kind of stagnant at the company I just left so these new opportunities are another positive step in the right direction. I'm going to be working my @$$ off but there's always pro's and con's to every move. Just thought I'd share this with everyone. With all of the negativity in the "air" regarding the state of civil aviation right now, it's nice to hear those good stories now I then, I figured. There are jobs out there (at least in Ca); you just have to find them. Anyone else here fly out of CRQ in So. Cal.?
Did you fly a citation V (I think thats what it is)? I sat in the cockpit of one of those and it has the best view of any other airplane I've been in.
[/ QUOTE ]
That view translates into a very uncomfortable cockpit with all the solar gain. If its warm in the airplane and the passengers open thier vents it robs the air from the pilots and can get very warm up front, for that reason I too don't miss the 500 series citations, plus the fact they're slow.
Congradulations on the new job and the challenges of flying something new.
Just out of curiosity are you going to be flying in 4 types of aircraft? Part 91 or 135? The most I ever did comfortabley was 3 types, a CE-550, BH-222 and a BE-200 (captain on all 3) did Flight Safety 5 times in one year ... that sucked. The older I get the more simplified I want life to be so I am down to 2 aircraft right now and kinda of like it that way.
My last job was flying out of SNA (John Wayne-O.C.). The slowtation.....oops, I mean Citations (LOL) I was flying were the Bravo and the Five. Actually, they're really cool airplanes due to their simplicity. The Citation 500's are easier to fly than the King Airs. Speeds almost the same too,,,,
And C650CPT, to answer your question; I'm flying three airplanes. The King Airs, Lear 35/55 (same systems and type) and a Hawker. I guess technically that's four huh? I swear, I really do know how to count to 10. Thanks guys!
A300Capt to answer your question, yes. A line check every year and a 297 or Inst. prof. check every six months. Each have to be done in the King Air and in ONE of the jets.
So not quite all the airplanes. Oh well, nothin' like havin' the opportunity to fail twice a year!
Hey Jonny, where were you flying out of at SNA? I fly out of the west side of the field. I've been planning on walking over to West Coast Charters and Komar Aviation within the next few weeks and dropping an application off. Know anything about these places?
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