Joining the Ranks


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to see the dark side ;-)

I will start flying Vans in Honolulu as a FedEx Feeder by January 1, anyone else on here fly 'em out there?
I flew Vans 135...couldn't of helped my career more...very valuable experience! Congrats
Cool man congrats!
I'd be interested, if you know, what sort of show times you have at the hub and outstation to meet the jet in HI.
Congrats man, you will have a blast flying the Van and all the FedEx feeder companies are excellent. Enjoy!
Yeah, this is with Corporate and they fly Hundos and Shorts. I'm hoping to get into the Hundo after my first year. Would LOVE to fly that single pilot in the islands as well. I'll send photos just so you can compare to the view to the lake near Minot . . . . . oh wait :-P
Congrats man! The FedEx feeders are all significantly better operations to work for than their UPS counterparts.

So true, I worked both and the biggest differences I noticed were,

FedEx rampers load the plane for you, UPS YOU load the plane yourself
FedEx does all the Hazmat paperwork, UPS you have to create your own.

There is many more reasons why FedEx feeders are better than UPS feeders but its obivious FedEx is much more organized.

Also FedEx is converting all their Vans to G-600's and TKS as well as buying NEW G-1000 Vans. Idk if or when youll see those in Hawaii. But just about every feeder in the US has at least 1 by now.
Also FedEx is converting all their Vans to G-600's and TKS as well as buying NEW G-1000 Vans. Idk if or when youll see those in Hawaii. But just about every feeder in the US has at least 1 by now.

The feeder in the midwest has neither. lol