John and Martha Get Jacked Up.

Orange Anchor

New Member
In yet another demonstration of how, in a world flooded with information, the right information does not get to the right people. Apparently some zealous and poorly informed LEOs jacked up John and Martha King a couple of days ago. Acting on a 'tip' from the El Paso Intel Center Santa Barbara police ordered the Kings out of the Cessna 172 at gunpoint and handcuffed them believing their -172 was a stolen airplane. No one apparently noticed the report had the N number from a C-150 (hey.. there are 3 airplanes... a Cub, a Learjet and a 747.. that's IT!) And the King's had filed an IFR flight plan, hardly the act of someone with a stolen airplane.

In the continuing farce, the police demanded to see the VIN and were unconvinced when the Kings told them airplanes do not have VINs.

Now, one could say the cops acted rationally based on the info they were given but why were they given the info in the first place? Why did no one in the agency issuing the information not have a better verification process.

The lesson is, I guess, when surrounded by cops with guns drawn, just go with it. And know your airplane's VIN. And IF you are flying a stolen airplane, do NOT file IFR.
I'd like to see the video tutorial on that one!

Good ole' Martha in front of the green screen getting tased, "don't tase me yo"!
When I heard on the police scanner that the cops were questioning two men outside a Cessna, I thought it might be John and Martha.

I kiiiiiiiiiid :D
Somehow I'm not surprised....

On a side note, say what you will of John and Martha, but they have built an incredible personal fortune from that business.
I've been into Santa Barbara by car, truck, train, bus, boat, air, and thumb. Never once have I had a good time in the rot hole.
I've been into Santa Barbara by car, truck, train, bus, boat, air, and thumb. Never once have I had a good time in the rot hole.

:confused: You do realize that Santa Barbara is pretty much the most desirable place to live for everyone west of the Rockies? You need at least 5 mill in the bank to live there.
:confused: You do realize that Santa Barbara is pretty much the most desirable place to live for everyone west of the Rockies? You need at least 5 mill in the bank to live there.

Over rated if you ask me. As a matter of fact, the whole west coast is over rated. I have lived here most of my life, and the other places I have lived, for much less coin, have been a nicer group of people, along with better scenery. And the whole "I live in California for the weather" bit, well yeah, if you can afford to live 10 minutes from the beach I'll buy it. Once you get past the range of mountains that block all the nice beach air (about 10, minute drive and a HUGE price break), you get the damn desert. 100 deg, hot and windy most of the summer. This year has been unusual with a thick marine layer. So that just means that the beach has been cold and overcast all summer long nearly. Throw in taxes and the fact that once again we still don't have a state budjet, whats so great about this place again?
Over rated if you ask me. As a matter of fact, the whole west coast is over rated.

I've been everywhere, including 3rd world and 2nd world. There is no place like CA. When I mention CA, I'm not talking about East LA or 75% of Los Angeles for that matter. Even the gang members can go to the mountains and the beach all in one day without being in a blizzard, dust storm, or hurricanes. But if you can manage to afford it, it doesn't compare to anywhere else in the U.S and most of the world for its beauty and QOL. Now I'm not saying that life sucks anywhere else but CA by any means.
Over rated if you ask me. As a matter of fact, the whole west coast is over rated. I have lived here most of my life, and the other places I have lived, for much less coin, have been a nicer group of people, along with better scenery. And the whole "I live in California for the weather" bit, well yeah, if you can afford to live 10 minutes from the beach I'll buy it. Once you get past the range of mountains that block all the nice beach air (about 10, minute drive and a HUGE price break), you get the damn desert. 100 deg, hot and windy most of the summer. This year has been unusual with a thick marine layer. So that just means that the beach has been cold and overcast all summer long nearly. Throw in taxes and the fact that once again we still don't have a state budjet, whats so great about this place again?
:yeahthat:I like the desert southwest, but I absolutely loathe CA. Although I'm still partial to Nj/PA though.