Joe Bidden says dont fly on the airlines!

I disagree. He was asked about what he would recommend to his own family and he responded honestly. I greatly prefer that to telling a lie.

Geez. I hope he's not a closet racist or thinks fat chicks shouldn't go out in public. No one is telling him to lie, but part of being in politics is being, well, political. It was a loaded question, and hit fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Obama you gots to drop Joe...seriously

Our fun loving vice president makes a potentially costly gaffe for the airline industry. Obama seriously you gotta get rid of this guy some how. You never should have picked him to be your running mate. His soon to be famous statement is at about 2:35 of the video. Enjoy!

Come on. Everyone knows the VP job, as Calvin Coolidge said, "Isn't worth a warm bucket of spit."

Really Velo? Wasn't the last VP made out to be the all controlling devil incarnate behind the curtain by the loony left? ;)
Biden's comments were highly irresponsible but more importantly simply untrue. A passenger sneezing in 1st class in not putting every passenger at risk. That's BS and Biden was simply fearmongering. Or as some commentator put it Biden was trying to play a doctor on TV and not doing it very well. All I can say is God Bless America when some genuine catastrope befalls us and we have this clown troop running the show. Al Qaeda can't stop smiling these days.
Hey maybe the idea is to provoke hysteria among the public and drive down business at the airlines so Nobama can take over that industry too? What a sad joke of a nation we've become.
You can get sick on a commuter train, a city bus, pushing a cart at the grocery store or Target, being in a mall or other store with other people.... I won't even TALK about the kids in daycare facilities! Let's face it, if you're around other people, you have the risk of getting sick with something, be it with this new flu strain, or something else.

If you want to be sterile, stay in your house & never leave. Or be a "Bubble Boy (or girl)" and only go out in an enclosed bubble.
Biden's comments were highly irresponsible but more importantly simply untrue.
That's what it really comes down to.

Biden may have been telling the truth as he believes it, but he is wrong. I thought the media did a nice job of finding experts to point that out yesterday (even NPR, nice work).
I particularly enjoyed the WH press office saying he meant it "only related to Mexico" travel. Uh, sure he did. :rolleyes:
Biden may have been telling the truth as he believes it, but he is wrong. I thought the media did a nice job of finding experts to point that out yesterday (even NPR, nice work).

From what I saw or read yesterday, there have not been any studies on the spread of viruses in aircraft. There has been work looking at bacteria, in particular during cruise flight, and in these scenarios the air at the gate in the airport was worse than on the aircraft. Those studies don't consider all of the people putting their hands on the head rest inches from your nose and mouth as they walk to the lav, or the zillion other forms of close contact in an airplane or other mass transit. Either way the entire travel experience is to be avoided (no one said eliminated) if one wants to minimize exposure to bugs in general.

The reality is that any situation that involves high densities of people greatly increases the risk of a virus spreading. There is simply no way around that unless you wear a hazmat suit.

Back to Bidens comments; He gave an honest answer. If some Americans are too stupid to know that Biden isn't a communicable disease specialist, and that he was just sharing an opinion, that is their problem.
I particularly enjoyed the WH press office saying he meant it "only related to Mexico" travel. Uh, sure he did. :rolleyes:

So why not take a trip to Mexico right now? Statistically speaking only something like .001% of the population there has gotten the flu, so why let that alter travel plans to the region right now?
So why not take a trip to Mexico right now? Statistically speaking only something like .001% of the population there has gotten the flu, so why let that alter travel plans to the region right now?

His comment was, I believe, "I wouldn't recommend any of my relatives take a plane or train right now." No mention of this related ONLY to Mexican travel.
His comment was, I believe, "I wouldn't recommend any of my relatives take a plane or train right now." No mention of this related ONLY to Mexican travel.

I understand that part; my question is a general one. If we are going to argue that Biden is terribly off the mark, then why not extend that to the actual travel advisories to Mexico? Statistically speaking the spread of flu there is still quite minor.
This is an excerpt from my monthly schedule. I asked crew scheduling to place the note there in the middle:

29F RES 29F
30S RES 30S
31S RES 31S
MAX P/UP:000.00 BLK LIM:282.31 PROJ:070.00 ACT CREDIT:021.18 MAX RES:072.00
So if a businessperson has a meeting in Mexico this week, but they are scolded for taking a corporate jet and advised not to fly on the airlines, how the hell are they supposed to get there? A pack mule?
So if a businessperson has a meeting in Mexico this week, but they are scolded for taking a corporate jet and advised not to fly on the airlines, how the hell are they supposed to get there? A donkey?

Are many business people scolded for taking the corporate jet? Right or wrong I only saw that in reference to the car companies that were going to get billions in tax payer dollars.
Back to Bidens comments; He gave an honest answer. If some Americans are too stupid to know that Biden isn't a communicable disease specialist, and that he was just sharing an opinion, that is their problem.
It's always amusing to read how much room some people give "their guy". It's not the VPs fault for giving an answer based on ignorance, everyone ELSE is stupid for listening to him.

But we can all relax, Acadia knows more about public health policy than the parades of public policy experts who have been explaining why Biden is wrong.
It's always amusing to read how much room some people give "their guy". It's not the VPs fault for giving an answer based on ignorance, everyone ELSE is stupid for listening to him.

:yeahthat: Can you imagine the HOWLS of laughter at how ignorant he was if GWB had made this assinine statement (or gaffe)? :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: I wasn't a big GWB fan--and don't really want to stir up yet another mind-numbing political pissing match. :)
Bottom line: Non-essential travel to Mexico is discouraged (NOT prohibited, just discouraged). So, for the above example, unless this businessperson's trip is absolutely essential, s/he probably shouldn't go at ALL, regardless of means of transportation to get there.

Airplanes put people in close contact with other people, but it's NOT worth freaking out about. If you're a germ-o-phobe, stay off of planes, buses & trains, stay out of malls & stores, don't touch a grocery store cart, and buy a heavy duty respirator (surgical masks don't cut it, sorry).

I am still failing to buy into the hype. I am making my kids wash their hands more often, but I know kids are kids and there's NO way I'll eliminate all germs that they'll get into.
It's always amusing to read how much room some people give "their guy". It's not the VPs fault for giving an answer based on ignorance, everyone ELSE is stupid for listening to him.

Biden isn't my guy. I just happen to agree with his comments in this particular case.