It’s Not Worth Showing Off

Influencers are ruining everything
Influencers are ruining everything
Influencers are really just fine or even great for most things- makeup, dancing, pants, restaurants, et cetera.

Where they get in trouble is where risk doesn’t mean looking dumb. It means the difference between dead and alive.
"Capitalism has made it this way. Old-fashioned fascism will take it away."

I have been against ads my whole life. This is the ultimate conclusion.

Monetize, monetize, monetize.
Capitalism hasn’t always looked like this. I’m still convinced that capitalism is really the way to a better life, but just as any economic theory can be hijacked by bad actors so has capitalism been hijacked by the opportunists (albeit very smart ones) who turned it all into shareholder supremacy and concentration of wealth…and there is nowhere for us to go but down.
Influencers are really just fine or even great for most things- makeup, dancing, pants, restaurants, et cetera.

Where they get in trouble is where risk doesn’t mean looking dumb. It means the difference between dead and alive.

Capitalism hasn’t always looked like this. I’m still convinced that capitalism is really the way to a better life, but just as any economic theory can be hijacked by bad actors so has capitalism been hijacked by the opportunists (albeit very smart ones) who turned it all into shareholder supremacy and concentration of wealth…and there is nowhere for us to go but down.
I still contend influencers have somewhat ruined the food/restaurant/bar scene. So many places are selling “flashy”, unoriginal, crap food to go in on people’s reels and selling it for way too much. The second I see a restaurant with a wall full of fake ivy and a stupid name/slogan in neon lights I know it’s too “instagrammy” and nope right out.
Same with nature or any kind of park too. Literally lines of people all so they can get their stupid pose in for their followers instead of just going out to enjoy the setting.
I still contend influencers have somewhat ruined the food/restaurant/bar scene. So many places are selling “flashy”, unoriginal, crap food to go in on people’s reels and selling it for way too much. The second I see a restaurant with a wall full of fake ivy and a stupid name/slogan in neon lights I know it’s too “instagrammy” and nope right out.
Same with nature or any kind of park too. Literally lines of people all so they can get their stupid pose in for their followers instead of just going out to enjoy the setting.
you sound like you’re getting old

(That doesn’t mean I disagree with you)
I still contend influencers have somewhat ruined the food/restaurant/bar scene. So many places are selling “flashy”, unoriginal, crap food to go in on people’s reels and selling it for way too much. The second I see a restaurant with a wall full of fake ivy and a stupid name/slogan in neon lights I know it’s too “instagrammy” and nope right out.
Same with nature or any kind of park too. Literally lines of people all so they can get their stupid pose in for their followers instead of just going out to enjoy the setting.

There’s literally a library next to my hotel in Seoul, literally no one reading or in line to check-out library books. Long queues and stanchions set up for people to take turns holding a book and having their pictures taken by their assistants before the next influencer steps up for their shot.

The Library: Starfield Library
The hashtag: #starfieldlibrary on Instagram | Hashtags
I'll be the contrarian and say that the monetization isn't all bad. There is a lot of really great content on YouTube that is funded by views (monetization). I don't mind people getting paid.

What I can't stand is the cheapness of many of the influencers. No soul, no ethos. Anything for a click or a like. The Gen X and me rebels at the crass commercialization of it all.
Jetcareers is social media and @derg is an influencer, perhaps the original aviation influencer on the internet.

The question is, really, what turns someone who just wants to show people the cool thing they do into someone who prioritizes likes and subscribes above literally all else.

I would suggest that it's addictive personality behavior and the algorithm is the heroin.