It's not looking good for us.......


Staff member
It\'s not looking good for us.......

Sadly, it looks like we'll have to sit this year out.

We don't have anyone to watch the kids. To get my mom down here would require buying a ticket for her, and depending on what we end up taking as far as pay cuts and such I just don't think we can afford mom's ticket here, and the expenses of the weekend. Bringing the little ones with us is out of the question, I'd just spend all day watching/taking care of them, and wouldn't be able to enjoy any of the festivities.

So, barring an unforseen miracle, I don't think we'll be there.

Re: It\'s not looking good for us.......

We'll send Chris Ford to be the babysitter.
Re: It\'s not looking good for us.......

Yeah, but that would mean taking two kids non-rev to Vegas , and putting them in the care of complete strangers at a hotel. Not really something I'm comfortable with. Non-revving is bad enough these days, there's no way I'd do it with two little kids. I'd buy us all tickets, but it would then be cheaper to have my mom come here!

If the kids were older, a babysitting service at a hotel would be fine, but they're too little to trust to strangers like that.
Re: It\'s not looking good for us.......

Am I the only one thinking, "Make Bill watch them and get your butt to Vegas"?

My apologies to Bill.
Re: It\'s not looking good for us.......

I always forget to use those dang icons in my posts!