It's a boy(X2)!


"Well done" to all involved, particularly the one who did all the heavy lifting, your wife.

You will now get your chance to do your share of the lifting for the next 20 years or so. Never pass up a chance to give your wife a break since she has the toughest job in the world.

Boys are easier to raise and I have lots of empirical evidence to support my statement: never have a bad hair day, you can dress them at Goodwill...and most mood..all the time.

I have a girl too and that's a whole other story.

Yeah, no kidding! Think of how I feel...I have 15 year old identical twin daughters! :panic:
Also have an 18 year old son....who was the easiest kid in the world to raise...should have had 5 more like him! ;)
Yeah, no kidding! Think of how I feel...I have 15 year old identical twin daughters! :panic:


Amen, Sister !! Our son was so was so easy to raise we're not sure who actually raised him. It's all just a pleasant blur. Next thing we knew, he'd been flying in Iraq and Afghanistan for 3 years...and won't come home.

Now, his sister...I'm trying to figure out a way to get her to GO to Afghanistan. The Taliban should quake in their boots at the idea of seeing her roll into town.

Amen, Sister !! Our son was so was so easy to raise we're not sure who actually raised him. It's all just a pleasant blur. Next thing we knew, he'd been flying in Iraq and Afghanistan for 3 years...and won't come home.

Now, his sister...I'm trying to figure out a way to get her to GO to Afghanistan. The Taliban should quake in their boots at the idea of seeing her roll into town.

:yup: Hey, if we send the 3 of them as a "package deal," I'll bet those clowns would be begging for mercy within an hour! :p
Wow... it's been a long week, but at the same time, time is flying by. As soon as I get a chance to sit down and eat, something else has to be done. Next thing you know the day is gone. Things are starting to settle down a bit. We've got a routine going and the boys are starting to show their personalities. it's amazing how one is exactly like me and the other is exactly like my wife. :) Well, here are the pics...

While still in the hospital:



Both at home:


Back to work...
Awesome! They're looking great. You guys looking great too, looks like hospital stay didn't go that bad for you. Thanks for posting those pics, I see Doug has a namesake on jc now :D Just out of curiosity, was it after THE doug? lol
Awww...what handsome lil guys! Are you guys getting tired yet? I did good until the past few days and I'm just exhausted now. lol Are they fraternal twins?
Congrats on the new arrivals ... and I'm happy to hear everyone is well. Enjoy! Before you realize it, pre-school and kindergarten are mere months away and you wonder where the time has gone.
Awesome! They're looking great. You guys looking great too, looks like hospital stay didn't go that bad for you. Thanks for posting those pics, I see Doug has a namesake on jc now :D Just out of curiosity, was it after THE doug? lol

My name is Doug too, so of course I named the first born after me!:)
My name is Doug too, so of course I named the first born after me!:)
you're gonna get tired of hearing that question... i betcha $10...

heck, i'd go so far as to put it in my signature if i was you....just for clarification sake...HAHHA

Congrats again!! They are so cute all swaddled up like that.