It's a boy(X2)!


Fetus Worshiper
They're here!
My wife Michele wakes me up 0700 Sunday morning and says "honey, I think my water broke". I jumped out of bed like I was shot out of a cannon! Off to the hospital and at 12:13 baby boy "A" (Douglas) was born, then at 12:15 baby boy "B" (Nathaniel) was born. They came a little early, but not too early for twins. Doug was 5 lbs 8 oz 17" and Nate was 5 lbs 12 oz 19". Mom and boys are doing great.
Last night was the toughest night of my life. I got maybe 1.5 hours sleep in small increments. Tonight should be better. We should be home Wednesday. Pics to come when I get home and can upload them.
Nice work Turk - congrats to you and the wife. Looking forward to seeing pics.

Now, many will be paying attention to the wife and trying to take care of her, etc. I want you to be sure to get YOUR rest in - you did the hard work. Enjoy!