iPhone: Flight Control

Hello from FL340 flying on Delta from ATL to IAH, using the new WIFI-----just scored 89, LOL!


I've always wondered what it'd be like to pull out a laptop on a flight, turn on FSX or X-Plane, set up the flight path exactly the same as what was filed, and flown along with it to see who got there first and what deviations were made. With Wi-Fi, you could even download current weather. Of course, it doesn't take into account traffic, human factors, real-time weather variations, and all that, but it'd be fun. In a geeky way.

*ding* "Yeah, could you tell the captain that I just ran the ILS approach for 22R and the crosswinds made staying on the slope a little difficult? Maybe he should request a different runway."

They can't throw you out mid-flight anymore, right?