Instrument training reference material


Staff member
Time to clean the bookshelves off a little bit. Starting out with the Instrument stuff. This stuff might not be the newest edition (actually I can guarantee that it isn't - it was quite a few years back that I collected some of these, some are more recent), but that doesn't mean that they are outdated. Lots of good timeless information here.

I'll take offers on anything and everything here. I reserve the right to refuse any offer for any dang reason I choose ( :yar: ), but these will go cheap.

Here's the details:

Rod Machado's Instrument Pilot's Survival Manual, Third Printing 1994, ISBN 0-9631229-0-8
The Instrument Flight Manual, Fifth Edition, William K. Kershner, 1998, ISBN 0-8138-0834-0
Instrument Pilot Flight Training Manual and Part I Syllabus and Part II Syllabus, First Edition, Ralph Butcher, 1994 (syllabus were both updated in 2003), ISBN 1-881688-02-X
The Instrument Flight Training Manual, Second Edition, Peter Dogan, 1994, ISBN 0-916413-12-8
Jeppesen Instrument / Commercial Manual and Excercises, Eighth Edition, 1994
ASA Instrument Oral Exam Guide, Fifth Edition, Michael D. Hayes, 2002, ISBN 1-56027-486-7
ASA Pilot's Manual Instrument Rating Syllabus, Second Edition, 2000, ISBN 1-56027-362-3
FAA Instrument Flying Handbook AC 61-27C, Revised 1980, ISBN 1-56027-086-1