I like beers with my crews, but I also like going out. Am I gonna end up as a slamclicker orrrrr


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I've found myself going solo more often on the international side.

Other captain: "Hey let's hit that breakfast buffet at 0745, then the golf simulator opens at 0900. We'll hit lunch at 1200 and figure out where to eat tonight"

Me: "I'm gonna go wander downtown Seoul in the morning, shoot me a text if you guys want to grab some cocktails later"

I guess technically I slam-clicked, but I literally just got off a schedule, and I have 40 hours to do whatever I want to do when and where I want to do it.

I'm headed to the 121 world from 135 ops where there wasn't much downtime with other crewmembers. I'm down to go get a beer with just about anyone, but in my short time, 95% of the amazing experiences I've had were when I've headed out and explored the area on my own. I mean, I know what the inside of a bar is like. I'd rather be learning to surf, summiting mountains, going on a local food crawl... you know, getting out.

Am I going to need to ease up on it a little to not end up as a slamclicker? At least as a low time FO? I'd like to get along with the people I work with. Haven't had any issues so far, but my environment's changing. Or... am I just overthinking things.

On a related note, if any of you jags are up for these kinds of things, maybe we should make a thread. Local JC Adventure Seekers. Or something less REI-inspired, I dunno. #FlightCrewsOnly <<<333
Don't over think it. There are very few places I can think of where you have to worry about making a name for yourself if you don't turn up for happy hour in the hotel bar because you are out doing something else, or even watching Netflix in your room. There are very few people out there that will give you grief even if you do slamclick.
I don't consider someone a slam-clicker just because they decline a hangout or sightseeing trip or whatever. You can gracefully and politely excuse yourself. I'd say anyone who would give you serious grief over it, you probably wouldn't enjoy spending time with anyway. Some times you're up for it, sometimes you're not. Sometimes you're homesick or tired or need to work on your taxes or just need to stare at the wall for 6 hours. I think most reasonable people understand that. There's also those folks who, for no good reason whatsoever, you just don't have chemistry with. Don't take it personal, and don't expect it to be taken personally.
Honestly, been doing my own thing for years, with occasional dinner with the person you're flying with. These days, no one notices or cares if you're doing you're own thing because sooo many people have side hustles they work on during a layover.
Forking from a different thread...

I'm headed to the 121 world from 135 ops where there wasn't much downtime with other crewmembers. I'm down to go get a beer with just about anyone, but in my short time, 95% of the amazing experiences I've had were when I've headed out and explored the area on my own. I mean, I know what the inside of a bar is like. I'd rather be learning to surf, summiting mountains, going on a local food crawl... you know, getting out.

Am I going to need to ease up on it a little to not end up as a slamclicker? At least as a low time FO? I'd like to get along with the people I work with. Haven't had any issues so far, but my environment's changing. Or... am I just overthinking things.

On a related note, if any of you jags are up for these kinds of things, maybe we should make a thread. Local JC Adventure Seekers. Or something less REI-inspired, I dunno. #FlightCrewsOnly <<<333
You'll be fine. Until you figure out your vibe, just tell the other person you need to catch up on sleep or work on your side business. Then do whatever you want. If they're cool, tell them you'll meet up with them later....and then do, or don't. It's all good.
Honestly, been doing my own thing for years, with occasional dinner with the person you're flying with. These days, no one notices or cares if you're doing you're own thing because sooo many people have side hustles they work on during a layover.

Once they started offering pilot discounts at OnlyFans, it's been pretty quiet on layovers.