Razor- I'm just making a comment and not trying to offend you but- presuming your commercially rated, b/c after all this is the CFI forum, why would you want your landing gear sticking out 10 miles out? I myself did the same thing about 5-7 miles out and the DE as well as my CFI asked me the same question and then it made sense to me. They basically said, and now I say, at the commercial level, keep your gear and flaps up, continue a descent at 100-120 knots depending on your type a/c. "Your a commercial pilot now, act like one" is what hte exact words were.
Just to clearify, I used to be at our shoreline (6 milesout) in Socal and begin my slow down and GUMPS check. Slow it down to below 100, and get the gear out. I now continue the descent keep the speed up between 100-120 knots. Once about a mile from the airport and close to entering downwind, I cut the power, slow her up, do my gumps check, bring in the flaps if necassary and do the landing.
I just feel its a more efficient way of flying the airplane vs. trying to still fly like a private pilot. (sorry, that sounds pretty cocky, I don't mean it that way, but I don't know any better way of saying it).