How do you get significant multi time if you train at an FBO


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm working on my private certificate, and starting to plan ahead for how I'll obtain the rest of my ratings, and eventually get a job flying. So of course the big question is; do I keep my job and train at an FBO, or quit the job, take out a loan, and head to a big name flight school. I was pretty much convinced that FBO was the way to go, for all the obvious reasons (pay as you go, don't go into huge debt, etc...), but then I started looking at the hiring requirement for all the regionals and part 135 operators.

If you don't have at the very least 200 hours multi, you don't even meet the minimum requirement to appy. Most companies want you to have more like 500 hours multi. Sooooo, even if you get your ratings at the FBO, and become a CFI and log 1500 hours or more over the next few years, you're still screwed because without the multi time, you're never gonna get a job.

I'd prefer to do things at my FBO, as opposed to going to a school like ATP or Ari Ben that offer 200+ hours multi time programs...but renting a twin at any FBO I've found is close to $200 an hour, which is way more expensive than either of the above mentioned flight school.

So whats a guy to do? Anybody have any advice, testimonials, or creative ways to get affordable multi time without heading to a big flight school?

Thanks in advance for your input!
There's a couple of things you could do. You mentioned doing the CFI thing (that's what I plan on doing, too), so you could get your MEI and pimp for multi students. You could also get all your ratings at the FBO, then just use Ari-Ben, ATP, or whoever for a block of time building. If I can afford it, I might do both. It all depends on whether my wife is making enough money to support us. Then I could quit the ramper job and CFI full time.
Get your multi-engine rating and MEI no matter where you train. Become a CFI at a school that has one or more multi-engine airplanes. Get qualified to teach in the airplane (5 hours PIC, blessing of the insurance co, etc.) and start giving multi-engine instruction. That's what I did ... by the time I hit 1000 hours I had 175 multi, and I now have quite a bit more, of course.

The time is out there, you just have to work to find it. Nobody is going to drop a twin in your lap and say, "Fly this thing, please ... and here's a big stack of cash for your trouble." Be proactive ... the system works, if you work it!

Heh, might have to take you up on that offer next week, JT.

I'm flying out of Air Orlando both Mon and Tues.
I would, but I'm working like ALL day. Otherwise, I would be at the seminar.
Anyone want to work for me 6 AM-10 PM tomorrow?
Mr. "Eagle" I am publicly lodging a complaint against you and your actions as a moderator.

In the post you deleted was information as to my location for a certain period of time. This is done frequently on this forum. There was nothing in that post that was in violation of forum rules.

You have demonstrated a bias towards one of the forum members.

This is bigotry and must be stopped.

Kellwolf, you know where to find me if you want to talk about building multi-time.

To the rest of the forum I apologize to you. It is sad that you must see the behavior here from someone who has been mistrusted with authority.
Hey ride,

I am doing the multi-commercial course at Ari-Ben Aviator and should finish up with around 150 hours multi-engine. I am planning on instructing at a bigger school with a good multi-engine program. If you go to Aviator and complete all your training there, you will usually be offered the chance to instruct down there. But it doesn't pay well! Last I heard it was $10/hr to start (flight instruction only). You don't get paid for any ground instruction given. But it's all multi-time. I can't stay there due to a wife and children + bills! It would never work in my situation. For you, it may work out ok. If you can afford it, Aviator would be a very good starting point! You won't find multi-time any cheaper. Plus, it is a good school.
If you decide to train close to home, get your private/instrument/commercial-SE/CFI/CFII and then worry about the multi time later. It won't do you any good until your total time is hovering around 1200-1500 hours any way. In my opinion, just get started on what you can do now. The rest will come with time.
Hope this helps!


T Leverett
Nobody is going to drop a twin in your lap and say, "Fly this thing, please ... and here's a big stack of cash for your trouble."

[/ QUOTE ]

Ohhhhh, but that would be so easy!!!
Mr. "Eagle" I am publicly lodging a complaint against you and your actions as a moderator.

In the post you deleted was information as to my location for a certain period of time. This is done frequently on this forum. There was nothing in that post that was in violation of forum rules.

You have demonstrated a bias towards one of the forum members.

This is bigotry and must be stopped.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, how some things never change... This "Eagle" guy will never grow up, he has proven his worthlessness (and lack of knowledge/experience) repeatedly on this board.

Doug won't do anything about it, you are wasting your time... He and Eagle are friends, and he is more worried about stepping on Eagles toes than about the rest of the members here... Trust me, I know... I have a ton of PM's from other members who complain about the same issue (Eagle), but nothing ever gets resolved because Doug looks the other way...

Oh well...
I think we have resolved our differences. I actually respect Eagle when he isn't being so hostile. There is no doubt he is a very intelligent person.

We'd probably get along if we ever met in person.

And after all, this is Doug's website and forum. He is entitled to do whatever he wants!

But thanks for your support, I appreciate it
Ah, how some things never change... This "Eagle" guy will never grow up, he has proven his worthlessness (and lack of knowledge/experience) repeatedly on this board.

Doug won't do anything about it, you are wasting your time... He and Eagle are friends, and he is more worried about stepping on Eagles toes than about the rest of the members here... Trust me, I know... I have a ton of PM's from other members who complain about the same issue (Eagle), but nothing ever gets resolved because Doug looks the other way...

Oh well...

[/ QUOTE ]
You, my friend, are a pit bull. You have dug in your teeth and ain't lettin' go.

Some people refuse to give up when they're wrong. Others refuse to drop the issue when they *know* they are right and want an admission from the one who is wrong.

It takes a big person to do neither of those things.