Horizon interview

Sweet, thanks again. Got one coming up next week, if I make it it'll be a move from a Brasilia to Q. Before that I did fly a 402&421 so hopefully some of that is still fresh ish.
Sweet, thanks again. Got one coming up next week, if I make it it'll be a move from a Brasilia to Q. Before that I did fly a 402&421 so hopefully some of that is still fresh ish.
You'll be golden.

I just recently battled the decision between Skywest and horizon. Are you coming from Skywest or AMF?
Awesome. It sounds like the sim has been simplified nicely. What airports and what ILS are they using?

As far as the interview portion, what have they been asking? Have the questions changed?
Awesome. It sounds like the sim has been simplified nicely. What airports and what ILS are they using?

As far as the interview portion, what have they been asking? Have the questions changed?
It was the Portland 10r I believe.

Questions are mostly the same. Nothing struck me as a curveball
Confirming the above posts. Got thru with an offer. Same as old gouges as far as the questions. Sim in new and simple. #Moonfruit is spot on.
The old gouges more or less still apply.

I can confirm that under certain circumstances (not sure specifically what they are) they can waive the sim evaluation.
Looks like I'll finally be able to go to an interview. Thought I would kindly "bump" the thread to see if anyone has more news to share. I think I have pretty good intel already on the latest gouge but it doesn't hurt to check.

Had to cancel my last scheduled interview due to a schedule conflict. Horizon was really great about it and said I could just call back once I have a more definitive schedule.

The good news is all my PRIA and HR paperwork is done before I even have the interview scheduled!
Congrats on the interview! Sounds like you're all set. Gouges + recent posts here = exactly what you'll get.
Share the good news when you get them! Classes are every 3 weeks, chances are pretty good that you'll see a fellow JCer or two in class!
Jeeez having that paperwork out of the way makes it easy. What a hurdle for me breaking down my logbook. I'll never loose the copy of that pilot addendum. Took a couple nights to do it. Whens the interview? Good luck. Great group of folks as I am sure you already know. They take some of the stress out of the whole process by just being the kind people they are.
I know! The addendum is a pain! It'll feel good to have a completed audit done though after the fact. For the record, Logbook Pro and LogTen Pro do not mesh well. I switched from LBP to L10P about a year ago and while L10P is a far superior product, it has been a REAL headache trying to merge them, and it will be more so as I try and present a nice paper copy at Horizon.

Did the interviewers make any remarks about your (any of you who have interviewed) logbooks?
Meh not really and I had something to remark on my last updated page. Had to figure out why my numbers didn't balance out. I figured it out and put in pencil next to the old numbers and not a peep. I know he looked at them as when asked my most memorable flight he verified it with "ah yes saw that in your logbook." Was a J3 cub and he flew one two maybe thats why. Our interview pilot Matt should be gone to AS by the time you get there though. Not sure what your interview day is but I think March was his last month. Don't quote me on that but I know he's leaving but can't exactly say when. So not sure what you'll get to be sure.
I had an entry reconciling my e and paper logbooks on my last page... No comments about it. The only comment made about my logbook was noting my trips into Eagle and Hayden.
No remarks during the interview, but my check airman in the sim triple-checked all my times - including the requirements I needed to get my PPL! Just be sure everything is accurate. I use LogTen and my paper logbooks to check them against each other. Sometimes LogTen has done weird stuff when adding my times
No remarks on the logbook here either. Mostly flipped thru the last few pages.
But I am curious about the sim "review" of it.. Mine was a mess before I got logten pro, and I found mistakes. But only fixed It back to the first 500hrs ish, and not sure where that last "correction" entry is. Just wondering if it's something to worry about. If it's only the matter of numbers adding up, I'll print my logten pro...