Gulfstream Int'l Flight Academy


New Member
Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy


I've been checking into flight academies recently, and found this site to be a good resource. Gulfstream Academy is one I've been researching but haven't really found any information in this forum about it.

Has anyone had any personal (or near-personal) experience with the Academy? I'm interested in their First Officer Program. For those who don't know, check out the web page and tell me what you think.

Thanks a bunch,
Hey, thanks for all the responses, everyone. Now I understand what you all are talking about. Yeah, paying for time AND buying a job away from a qualified pilot at the same time...kinda crappy.

Thanks again.

Anyone with any other suggestions for a fledgling pilot, please feel free to let me know.

Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

Stay away from Gulfstream. From what I understand, it's the equvilant of career suicide.
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

Place is a joke. Never pay for training in the manner they want you to. Pay for ratings and certificates, but never PFT.
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

You will be apologizing for or rationalizing that decision for the rest of your career.

I humbly advise you to pursue another avenue.
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

if i did pft, and then went to interview wiht comair...what would the employer say to me about it. I hear alot of bad things, but dont realyl understand why its so bad...other than every one says its evil.
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

So I've heard a lot about PFT, and I'm trying to get a more precise grasp of what is/isn't PFT.

Using this case as an example, is Gulfstream a PFT situation because students pay for the training in a particular type (1900), and then in return get to "fly the line" in that same plane? I am also assuming that there is no guarantee of employment past the 250 hours promised in the program?

Am I on the right track?

Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

if i did pft, and then went to interview wiht comair...what would the employer say to me about it. I hear alot of bad things, but dont realyl understand why its so bad...other than every one says its evil.

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Think of it this way. Who are the folks you'll be interviewing with? They're people who think PFT is evil. Now, everyone tries to not let their biases creep into the interview process, but guess what? They're human and they do. So what chance to you think you have of getting a job from someone who thinks that the route you took to get qualified for that job is wrong?

Pretty much the same chance Stevie Wonder has of hitting a Pedro Martinez fastball, don't you think? Sure, it is possible. But that ain't how you're going to bet.
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

So I've heard a lot about PFT, and I'm trying to get a more precise grasp of what is/isn't PFT.

Using this case as an example, is Gulfstream a PFT situation because students pay for the training in a particular type (1900), and then in return get to "fly the line" in that same plane? I am also assuming that there is no guarantee of employment past the 250 hours promised in the program?

Am I on the right track?


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You would be paying for flying the 250hours on the line. There is no hiring process, you have the cash and you fly the line..

If Gulf academy didn't have that PFT process, that would be a position someone would have to be hired (and paid) for.

Basically, you're paying to take a position someone should be compensated for.. It is not good for pilots!

(Hey, why should we pay these f/os more? We got guys willing to pay US)
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

So I've heard a lot about PFT, and I'm trying to get a more precise grasp of what is/isn't PFT.

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Here's an example:

I spoke with a guy about a month ago who was attending one of the bigger-named academies. I asked him about the wait list for the CFI's and he said that he wasn't even going to get his CFI - he was going to Gulfstream.

I said:

Me: "Hmm. Might want to research that. Pay For Time isn't highly regarded from what I hear."

Him: "Well, we all pay for time in one way or the other, right?"

Me: "Not exactly. We all pay for ratings unless one goes the miltary route. We do not all pay for time. Some do. The rest of us build time and hopefully get paid for it. Big difference."

That's my take, at least.

To say "we all pay for time" is not entirely correct. As I said - we pay for ratings - hopefully the time after that... we earn.

PFT is looked on as "bad" and "evil" because it is basically paying to be right seat when other pilots have busted their hump instructing/towing banners/flying firewatch/traffic/whatever for a VERY low wage.. to get there.

It is buying yourself a job... instead of earning it.

That's MHO.

Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy


Pretty much the same chance Stevie Wonder has of hitting a Pedro Martinez fastball, don't you think? Sure, it is possible. But that ain't how you're going to bet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why you picking on the blind? I bet you none of us in here can hit one of pedro either.
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

If you go to Gulfstream you are basically paying to work. It really works out great for the airline b/c instead of having to pay a well qualified pilot to fly their planes, they have someone who pays them anywhere from $50,000 - $60,000 to fly their planes. So, not only are you taking away a job from a pilot who is very well more qualified than you, but you also find yourself in debt of over $60,000 once the program is finished. You dont get any CFI ratings to fall back on, and there is no guarantee that you will be hired. Just think about it this way, why would they hire you after you finish the program and pay you what a FO is worth when they have another person willing to give them $50,000 once youre finished? And while its true they pay you during the 250 only get $8.00/flight hr...which equals $2,000 in total....take away taxes, and you're left with $1400 that you have made over a 4 month period. I would research more flight schools, and read some of the forums for the specific schools here. Always remember that while there are some honest schools, they all are out to make money.
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

Gulfstream was one of the first schools we looked at and after all our research and investigating of all the schools, we concluded Flight Safety to have the best program and value, but good luck to you, which ever way you go.
Re: Gulfstream Int\'l Flight Academy

Why you picking on the blind? I bet you none of us in here can hit one of pedro either.

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Nope. I'd be happy to just foul one off.

Smokey's probably the only one here who would have a reasonable shot of getting a hit against Pedro.