Goodbye Virgin America

Oh boy, lets throw in the hard-plastic-backed slim seats that freggin Frontier and Spirit use that start to hurt your back on flights over 2 hours. And hell, lets put hard plastic seat backs on the first class seats, too! Because nothing welcomes the Virgin America first class crowd used to plush white leather electric recliners that damn-near lie flat and have a massage function and leg rest like staring at white plastic with a magazine propped into it for 6 hours...with less legroom.

Just like American with AirCal and USAir with PSA, obviously Virgin was going bye bye. Gates routes and West Coast frequent flyers are what AS obviously wanted(plus one less competitor from NorCal/SoCal to the PacNW). Which is fine, that's business. But don't try and feed this, "We <3 u Virgin and we will merge our souls into something new and amazing, here, have a salted caramel bacon donut" crap to the public and the employees when you can shorten it to, "We're gonna make the cabin less comfortable, but add mood lighting. Thanks for the mood lighting, Virgin".

Obviously those who don't live on the West Coast aren't really going to notice much of a difference, but already, the $70k+ 20/30-something crowd(and out here, there are a lot of them...) that frequents Virgin America is already becoming very vocal about how little traction their Elevate Points get when transferred to Alaska. They should have done their homework, though, as even 20,000 bonus miles on Alaska would have left me with significantly less rewards than I currently may earn with my point balance on Virgin. I knew people liked Virgin out here, but this merger has actually come up constantly with my non-aviation friends who take flights like people take the bus and usually don't give air travel much of a thought. Operationally, Alaska is awesome, and I'm sure some will prefer the more traditional airline over the hip and different to be different airline. But...Alaska is just another airline. A good airline run better than most other airlines, who does take care of the pax...but still, an airline.

Some perspective is a seemingly disproportionate amount of DJs and other entertainment artists request transportation on Virgin America when possible as listed on their riders(pretty much a list of "demands" for booking them). Airlines aren't usually specified on these things, so that speaks volumes of the "vibe" Virgin America has created for itself. I really question if in 3 years those same people will specifically request Alaska...

Good luck to Alaska, anyway. But from a gate planning perspective, I can tell you that SFO growth will be very, very limited. Split ops will only be able to accommodate a small portion of the AS flights at SFO on T2, and as far as the bulk of flights on the International Terminal, SFO has very clearly taken the stance of, "Hey, it's cool you guys are adding all this SFO flying but, you operate on the International Terminal, and we won't hesitate to block your new flights if an International Carrier wants those slots/gates". What's more, when a cloud rolls in over the San Mateo bridge and flights back up, let's say Alaska has a 737 on the ground and has a gate but an international wide body is 10 out and needs a gate, guess who is getting their gate stolen and holding 30 mins for the next one, regardless of connecting pax(nothing personal but gotta do mah job)? Trouble be a brewin' unless AS chooses to stop SFO growth and move to SJC which is already a focus city. Probably not a good sign that many AS ops/mx veterans from the 80s and 90s(some of which were around for the Alaska/Jet America merger in Long Beach!) are retiring as a direct result of the merger from SFO faster than the airline can train new agents...who will be thrown into the fire with a split ops hub.
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Umm... Who on earth actually believed they would keep the brand?

In one of the conference calls after the merger announcement last year, it was like a Q&A session, and one CA here (ex Horizon) said it was nice to come full circle to his old roots (which is cool), but that they should look at the power of Nike, the power of Starbucks, and "go with the stronger brand.... Virgin." :rolleyes: It may be hard to believe but the brand thing was huge and many people (pilots included) thought VX would stay in some way.

I was at that all hands. No one applauded, but I agree HQ lives in a different world.

As for that hat and tie, I have no desire to wear it again. I'm happy being hatless and tieless. I want to paid like a pilot. I iron my shirt each night before work, get my haircut regularly and shave daily, and shine my shoes when needed. I like to think I look professional when I come to work. Thats all we really need to do. Just because you wear a hat and tie doesnt make you a professional pilot.

I heard that conference call online. When he was done with that topic, there was applause. It wasn't immediate after the 'reckless' comment but it was still an obvious thing after he was done making his points. As for the uniform you are correct that professionalism doesn't come from clothing but how you carry your self and wear your uniform (whatever it may be). Still, if we do change we will look very similar to what Delta, United, and AA pilots look like. You want legacy pay, then at least look the part ;) Our uniforms are a little too much on the hip / liberal side. Our leather jackets don't even have epaulets. At SFO once one of our gate agents though I was a flight attendant when I had my soft shell jacket on. You know it's bad when people at your own company have mistaken you for a non-pilot.
Good luck to Alaska, anyway. But from a gate planning perspective, I can tell you that SFO growth will be very, very limited. Split ops will only be able to accommodate a small portion of the AS flights at SFO on T2, and as far as the bulk of flights on the International Terminal, SFO has very clearly taken the stance of, "Hey, it's cool you guys are adding all this SFO flying but, you operate on the International Terminal, and we won't hesitate to block your new flights if an International Carrier wants those slots/gates". What's more, when a cloud rolls in over the San Mateo bridge and flights back up, let's say Alaska has a 737 on the ground and has a gate but an international wide body is 10 out and needs a gate, guess who is getting their gate stolen and holding 30 mins for the next one, regardless of connecting pax(nothing personal but gotta do mah job)? Trouble be a brewin' unless AS chooses to stop SFO growth and move to SJC which is already a focus city. Probably not a good sign that many AS ops/mx veterans from the 80s and 90s(some of which were around for the Alaska/Jet America merger in Long Beach!) are retiring as a direct result of the merger from SFO faster than the airline can train new agents...who will be thrown into the fire with a split ops hub.

Employees were given some info about SFO that can't be divulged at the moment. Suffice to say, they have a very good plan for SFO. And I don't want to say you're wrong, but you're wrong. ;)
Employees were given some info about SFO that can't be divulged at the moment. Suffice to say, they have a very good plan for SFO. And I don't want to say you're wrong, but you're wrong. ;)
If I'm wrong, then I sure wish they'd share that privileged information with SFO's planning committee rather than making us think they're going to have the majority of their flights on the International Terminal as we plan the summer/next winter. Good to know these things before people waste their time planning around it and new international flights are told they won't fit...

There are gates that are in the way and can't be torn down for the T1 construction because we can't fit Frontier on the international terminal...because of the Eskimos.
I love our current uniform, because it's *gasp* different! Hate the ties and hats, I don't have an ego that gets bruised for when I occasionally get asked if I'm a pilot. Doesn't bother me to have the comfort and functionality. Correct me if I'm wrong though, the pilot group doesn't have any control over what we get "told" to wear? BUT if we have to dress like Delta we better get paid like Delta!
If I'm wrong, then I sure wish they'd share that privileged information with SFO's planning committee rather than making us think they're going to have the majority of their flights on the International Terminal as we plan the summer/next winter. Good to know these things before people waste their time planning around it and new international flights are told they won't fit...

There are gates that are in the way and can't be torn down for the T1 construction because we can't fit Frontier on the international terminal...because of the Eskimos.

So using common sense, long term why wouldn't the Eskimos vacate the intl terminal?
So using common sense, long term why wouldn't the Eskimos vacate the intl terminal?
Uh...of course they will long term...when the new T1 opens up in 2020 or 2021 or whenever it actually does, SFO will be a big happy place where Sun Country, jetBlue, and all the domestics can move off the International Terminal to the new T1, American can consolidate all their gates to T1, and Alaska/Virgin will have T2 all to themselves.

But that is beyond the year 2020. I'll jump off a bridge if I'm here in 2020. I care about now. In my post, I said that AS/VX will be doing split ops between the international terminal and T2 and this will cause many problems. Now, am I wrong because you're thinking 3-4 years down the road, or am I wrong because you guys have some master plan you don't want the airport to know about that will move Alaska off of the international terminal soon? Because right now, the official plan with the airport is split ops with Alaska PDX flights and some randoms operating out of T2 but the bulk of Alaska here on the International Terminal.

Really, people here would love to know so that some flights can be approved and gates 20-22 can be closed and Frontier can move. Secret secrets are no fun. Secret secrets hurt someone.

I love our current uniform, because it's *gasp* different! Hate the ties and hats, I don't have an ego that gets bruised for when I occasionally get asked if I'm a pilot. Doesn't bother me to have the comfort and functionality. Correct me if I'm wrong though, the pilot group doesn't have any control over what we get "told" to wear? BUT if we have to dress like Delta we better get paid like Delta!
Were you there for the original uniform where you wore all black with just 3 gold pins on the collar for an F/O or 4 for the CA? Most of the guys I chatted with loved it because no one knew who the hell they were and they rarely were bothered at airports or during deadheads. But I hear the FAA didn't like the whole no one easily identifying the crew thing...
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I love the newer Alaska paint. It looks pretty slick on the bus.