General levels of sketchiness.

Never wanted to be an OOTSK. And here's a free tip: women generally love peeling you out of a collared shirt with wings and epaulets.

I could care less about the uniform. The only thing that makes a pilot (freight or otherwise) awesome is a mustache.
You could have a fooled me a couple months ago :p

I'm toying with the idea of Mustache March. BTW, you should have left me the keys to the WRX, I'd happily have taken her out and exercised her in your absence. Looks so sad all alone in the parking lot.

That's what she said

Oh wait....didn't notice it was a freight dog thread

*That's what he said.

Oh snap! A gay joke! You're awesome, bro.

I was thinking more along the lines of the grizzly cowboy pilot, and less the "my daddy paid for my training" and now I'm a little d-bag who needs to pull his pants up pilot...

This is the stuff about the 135 freight world that makes me roll my eyes: You're not a real freight dog until X.

To hell with all that fake machismo BS. Flying /A does not make you Maverick.
NDB suck, flat out suck, which is precisely why the developed world is slowly killing them off.
Nobody gives a rats ass about what you wear when you fly. The costume does not make the pilot.
The guys that turn this into a dick-measuring contest are the ones betraying their own insecurities about their masculinity.

Guess what? Nobody cares.

EDIT: BTW, your grizzly cowboy pilot? Really? Kinda sounds like Brokeback Mountain. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Yeah, but a collared shirt and especially epaulets revoke all freight dog and ootsk points. Do not pass go, you look like an idiot.

I was forced to wear a monkey suit by my companies boss (their pilots have to wear ties). However I did so under duress, covered it with a Carhartt jacket, and topped it with a ball cap that was so oily it was waterproof.
I was forced to wear a monkey suit by my companies boss (their pilots have to wear ties). However I did so under duress, covered it with a Carhartt jacket, and topped it with a ball cap that was so oily it was waterproof.
Yeah, I cover mine up with a black sweatshirt and a coat. I wouldn't be caught dead in public with epaulets on.

Also Calgoat's right. /A sucks balls. I'll take /G every day of the week. The VOR needles swing so wildly and I generally have to average the two anyways. In the mountains out here it's really nice to have a gps to tell you where you should be, as opposed to the vor needles that are making a half hearted attempt to get you to drive into the side of a mountain.
I don't know why more of our airplanes are /G. Airways vs Direct is an extra 45 miles each way on my route every day. 90miles at an average of 165knots is roughly an extra .5 every day. That's an extra 18 gallons of fuel every day, 90 a week, 4680 a year. At $5 a gallon that's about $24,000 a year in gas alone. Not to mention the extra 130 hours of mx. You can buy a couple of 430s for that price and have vastly improved safety.
I'm toying with the idea of Mustache March. BTW, you should have left me the keys to the WRX, I'd happily have taken her out and exercised her in your absence. Looks so sad all alone in the parking lot.

Oh snap! A gay joke! You're awesome, bro.

This is the stuff about the 135 freight world that makes me roll my eyes: You're not a real freight dog until X.

To hell with all that fake machismo BS. Flying /A does not make you Maverick.
NDB suck, flat out suck, which is precisely why the developed world is slowly killing them off.
Nobody gives a rats ass about what you wear when you fly. The costume does not make the pilot.
The guys that turn this into a dick-measuring contest are the ones betraying their own insecurities about their masculinity.

Guess what? Nobody cares.

EDIT: BTW, your grizzly cowboy pilot? Really? Kinda sounds like Brokeback Mountain. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Ouch! Hit a nerve? Strong feeling there...
It is crazy but most freight places that carry UPS, FEDEX, or DHL are going to the monkey suit for their pilots. The days of a hoodie and jeans are going as fast as the bank work many companies used to carry.
BTW, you should have left me the keys to the WRX, I'd happily have taken her out and exercised her in your absence. Looks so sad all alone in the parking lot.

It needed an exercise. It doesn't like sitting for a month without moving. At least the tires weren't flat haha.
It is crazy but most freight places that carry UPS, FEDEX, or DHL are going to the monkey suit for their pilots. The days of a hoodie and jeans are going as fast as the bank work many companies used to carry.
Word is, wells fargo is gonna be sticking around for awhile.