flying nightmares

My repeater is canyon flying somewhere where the rocks and clay are red.
After I hit the canyon wall, I am standing over myself, looking at my dead body.

The good one is me flying around with out an aircraft.
Only once. I had a dream where i flew into a mountain, time slowed down a lot in the dream so I could all the panels in front of me crunching and then I woke up in a cold sweat.
At my school, they drilled into us the procedures for an engine failure at a critical phase of flight so much that the instructors would joke about how you'll be sleeping, dream of an engine failure, then wake up and do the motions. I though "hah" that's funny....

until one night I had like 4 different engine failure dreams and each time, I got the flow down. So I had no problem learning it. Kind of funny that way.
Only recurring dreams I have is about never getting my braces removed or forgetting to attend a college class all semester and I'm past the drop date.

I'm weird.
Either you feel my pain or you're trying to induce it by further highlighting my weirdness! :)
I'm a student pilot, and a few weeks ago I had a dream that I was hired as a captain for a major U.S. airline, without so much as a private pilot certificate. I remember sitting in the left seat while the plane was still at the gate, feeling quite panicked. :)
Only recurring dreams I have is about never getting my braces removed or forgetting to attend a college class all semester and I'm past the drop date.

I'm weird.
I think I had that one multiple times every semester of college.
Anyone else dodging 5,000 foot poles and power lines in their dreams?

Me too!
I don't remember any flying dreams except this one. I am dodging powerlines above and below, and can't climb above them. But I am close to the ground right after takeoff.

I have the same dream with two slight variations. Either I forgot to take a class and couldn't graduate or I forgot to drop a class that I attended only once.

That is so wierd.
I had that one last night, and I've been out of college for six years. WTF?

Don't worry you aren't alone on that. I had that dream that I had to show up for a final exam to a class I had skipped the entire semester. I've been out of college for 9 years now. Damn I feel old now...
I had a dream I took off from my class D airport without talking to tower..I just remeber think "oh this is not good" haha.

The other dream I've had was flying a 172 in rough turbulence and I somehow ended up in the back seat...I had to reach over the seat to fly the airplane from the back because I couldn't get back in the front. I woke up sweating from that one!
I had a dream I took off from my class D airport without talking to tower..

Wow, I have had that one too, except mine was on landing and then I realized what i did, so I took off again and landed in an alley back in my hometown and I had to run from the police and their dogs.

Last I checked, ATC didn't have k-9 units.
Wow, I have had that one too, except mine was on landing and then I realized what i did, so I took off again and landed in an alley back in my hometown and I had to run from the police and their dogs.

Last I checked, ATC didn't have k-9 units.

lol... I also like the ones where you can conveniently transition from a cessna to nothing at all.

Be aware that reading this thread just before night night time could create one!
Most helo pilots have a nightmare that involves flying along UNDER a forest of wires and/or high tension lines.

I've had that one a bunch. The weird thing is I don't fly a helo. Don't even have a clue how they work, which of course adds to the terror. :)

Man, if I ever find somebody taking a nap in an airplane I'm cutting some branches and pulling that loader stunt. I laughed so hard I blew snot on my keyboard when I read that.