My one bad flight dream I had was I was a passenger on an air carrier flight, KLAS to KPHX. And apparently, the new 121 style of flight includes scud running not more 10-20 feet off the ground. Being a pilot and knowing the training the guys up front had, I was just fine with this. My friend was in the seat in front of me, wasn't so fine. He started talking nonsensically and getting quite crazy. I kept telling him "It's fine, this is normal, this is how airplanes fly." Well I was looking out the window and noticing we just crested the peak of a mountain and were now "sliding" down the back side of the mountain at an altitude barely clearing the trees. As I'm looking outside, I notice the left wing clip a tree at what had to be 500 kts GS. (91.117 doesn't apply in this alternate world apparently, but we should know FARs mean nothing in that world since 91.119(a) is clearly ignored) At which point the dream went into slow motion, as I would imagine would happen should you be faced with your own imminent death. I start to see the left wing drop and just crumble upon itself as it flies right into the ground. Because it has been a second or two since initial impact with the tree and the wing dropping, no one in the cabin noticed this so far, except me. I just looked forward, hearing children laugh as fire, in slow motion, just engulfs the entire aircraft. I promptly woke up in a cold sweat, panting, at just how vivid this dream had been. When I went into school, it was the day I was to do my long cross country flight for my instrument rating, I choose not to tell my instructor about the dream, until we were up at cruise altitude.:rotfl: