
Sorry to keep bringing this thread back up.

I finally decided to get myself a Fitbit Flex and saw @Derg and @wildfreightess talking about a JC group. Is there one? I'm probably just looking in the wrong place. Searching through this thread I couldn't find it.

Which one did you get? Thinking of getting one.

Get one! Get one! Get one!

I have the Fitbit "One." I like it because I can clip it to the inside of my pocket or the waistband of my workout clothes and not have to wear a bracelet every day. It comes with a velcro band that you can use for sleep tracking (when I remember where I put the darn thing), and you can customize the greeting. Mine calls me "Squeak." I have it synced to Myfitnesspal, and when I use Myfitnesspal, it's pretty sweet.

I bought my mom a fitbit "zip," which also clips to your hip for about $20 cheaper. It doesn't track sleep, but she's not interested in that anyway.

I think the "Flex" is quite popular, too. So, do what you feel. But get one!
Get one! Get one! Get one!

I have the Fitbit "One." I like it because I can clip it to the inside of my pocket or the waistband of my workout clothes and not have to wear a bracelet every day. It comes with a velcro band that you can use for sleep tracking (when I remember where I put the darn thing), and you can customize the greeting. Mine calls me "Squeak." I have it synced to Myfitnesspal, and when I use Myfitnesspal, it's pretty sweet.

I bought my mom a fitbit "zip," which also clips to your hip for about $20 cheaper. It doesn't track sleep, but she's not interested in that anyway.

I think the "Flex" is quite popular, too. So, do what you feel. But get one!

+1 The one is great, outstanding battery life. Only flaw I saw was it thought some of the Jeepney rides in the Philippines were stair climbs. Think it logged 54 flights of stairs one day :)
+1 The one is great, outstanding battery life. Only flaw I saw was it thought some of the Jeepney rides in the Philippines were stair climbs. Think it logged 54 flights of stairs one day :)


Do you take the fitbit off when on the treadmill? The calorie count on it for steps is no where close to what the treadmill says. Ideas?
jskibo said:
I use the app to log exercise during the hours (oh who am I kidding, minutes) I do it, Fitbit seems to delete the steps during that time and replace it with active time and calorie burns from the exercises selected

Guess I need to play with it more. Didn't know I had to tell it I was sleeping last night to see what that will say.