
Any fitbit users here?

I got one about a month ago and maybe we all can start a JC "No More Fat Assed Elastic Waistband Pilot Uniform Slacks" group or something.

oh god, we have something in common. I got one a couple of weeks ago and really like it. trying to decide if it is worth the $50 to get the premium monitoring. I like the sleep analysis
I wonder if it's worth it as well, not too sure as I don't monitor my eating that closely.

The reason I've started looking into biometrics is that when my weight goes up, my flipping blood pressure skyrockets. So I monitor my weight daily, along with a once daily blood pressure reading along with Fitbit metrics, then mash it all together with Syncmetric, I can keep a pretty good statistical analysis of what I'm screwing up and avoid the awkward visit to the flight surgeon.

I monitor my runs with the Nike-plus GPS app, but holy cow man, that's a young man's game trying to keep up with @bkey79
I wonder if it's worth it as well, not too sure as I don't monitor my eating that closely

I monitor my runs with the Nike-plus GPS app, but holy cow man, that's a young man's game trying to keep up with @bkey79

Haha riiiight... Do you have Travis Kallay on your list. Forgot his screen name on JC. So I was talking with an FA couple months back about the Nike app, and how I thought this Kallay guy must be cheating, or having his wife run under his account. I thought, no way could a pilot have the time to run over 250 miles a month! Well he works for the same company and based at the domicile as I am! Guy is a beast!
MyfitnessPal and Runkeeper were good for tracking food and cardio exercise, the fitbit added in the sleep and daily walking. That really helped. My doc wanted at least 10000 steps a day and I disliked the mechanical belt pedometers. Sleep was another area I was neglecting.
Haha riiiight... Do you have Travis Kallay on your list. Forgot his screen name on JC. So I was talking with an FA couple months back about the Nike app, and how I thought this Kallay guy must be cheating, or having his wife run under his account. I thought, no way could a pilot have the time to run over 250 miles a month! Well he works for the same company and based at the domicile as I am! Guy is a beast!

You two guys are beasts! :)
oh god, we have something in common. I got one a couple of weeks ago and really like it. trying to decide if it is worth the $50 to get the premium monitoring. I like the sleep analysis
I wonder if it's worth it as well, not too sure as I don't monitor my eating that closely.

The reason I've started looking into biometrics is that when my weight goes up, my flipping blood pressure skyrockets. So I monitor my weight daily, along with a once daily blood pressure reading along with Fitbit metrics, then mash it all together with Syncmetric, I can keep a pretty good statistical analysis of what I'm screwing up and avoid the awkward visit to the flight surgeon.

I monitor my runs with the Nike-plus GPS app, but holy cow man, that's a young man's game trying to keep up with @bkey79

Aside from the sleep and TV thing I've been really interested in all of this tech for awhile now but your post right here has shown why I haven't jumped in yet. You just mentioned almost $400 worth of gear that's sure to be refreshed to the latest and greatest in no time. Hopefully you won't have to upgrade in 6 months to keep using the APIs.

Guess I'm just not an early adopter when it comes to this tech.
I just bought a fitbit a few days ago! I got the Fitbit One, because I didn't want to wear a leash around my arm 24/7. I already wear a wedding ring! :p I clip it to the inside of my pocket, so if it falls, it will fall in my pocket. So far, I haven't put the thing in the washer, but time will tell.

I have it synced with myfitnesspal. I love it so far. I find myself taking the stairs more. I'll walk around whenever I get the chance instead of sitting in airport chairs now, so I can "pad my stats." Just wearing it makes me want to move!
I just bought a fitbit a few days ago! I got the Fitbit One, because I didn't want to wear a leash around my arm 24/7. I already wear a wedding ring! :p I clip it to the inside of my pocket, so if it falls, it will fall in my pocket. So far, I haven't put the thing in the washer, but time will tell.

I have it synced with myfitnesspal. I love it so far. I find myself taking the stairs more. I'll walk around whenever I get the chance instead of sitting in airport chairs now, so I can "pad my stats." Just wearing it makes me want to move!

Join it up! :)
Bringing an old thread back to life.

I'm looking at either the FitBit or Jawbone UP24. Does anyone know how well these devices work when doing non step based exercise? For cardio, I typically play racquetball when home and sit on an exercise bike in the hotel. I occasionally swim laps, and lift 4 or 5 times a week.

I'm doing If It Fits Your Macros in conjunction with My Fitness Pal, and thus do not currently track my exercise. I have been very happy with the results so far, but I quite like the idea of collecting all the data.

The Fitbit is fairly lacking with non steps-based exercise, but you can manually log it.

Nike Fuel was good, but didn't have a robust amount of information it gathered and also the way it determined "points" was proprietary.
I believe the jawbone has a deal where you tell it you're starting a workout and then afterwards you classify what you did and the intensity.
The Fitbit is fairly lacking with non steps-based exercise, but you can manually log it.

Nike Fuel was good, but didn't have a robust amount of information it gathered and also the way it determined "points" was proprietary.

Have you had any issues with the time zone changes and loss of data? Do you use the automatic function?
Have you had any issues with the time zone changes and loss of data? Do you use the automatic function?

Nope! Works awesomely like a watch that automatically adjusts tithe new time zone with zero intervention. I use the "all day sync" feature
So my fitbit broke...and now i'm wondering, what's new out there to try...or...should I just get anotha?