FEDEX Flt 80 MD-11 Crash

Re: FEDEX MD-11 Crash


CNN International reporting:

(CNN) -- The pilot and co-pilot aboard a FedEx cargo plane were killed when the plane burst into flames Monday at Tokyo's Narita airport in Japan, airport and hospital officials said.
Video from the landing showed the plane bouncing at least twice on the runway and veering left as it turned on its side before bursting into flames. The fire destroyed the aircraft.

Strong winds may have played a role in the crash, said Masaru Fujisaki, an airport official.
FedEx Express Flight 80 took off from Guangzhou, China, and crashed at Narita about 6 a.m. Monday (5 p.m. Sunday ET), said FedEx spokesman Matt Ceniceros. The condition of the pilot and co-pilot was not immediately known, he said.

"Out thoughts are with the crew and anyone assisting them," he said.

Video from the landing showed the plane bouncing at least twice on the runway and veering left as it turned on its side before bursting into flames. The fire destroyed the aircraft.
According to observations at the airport, wind gusts were reported to be between 30 to 50 mph around the time of the crash.

Japan's Kyodo news agency reported that Narita firefighters worked through the flaming wreckage to try to rescue two people believed to be the crew.
The news agency said the cargo plane was landing on Runway A, the longer of the two runways at Narita, a major international airport. <!--startclickprintexclude-->
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Re: FEDEX MD-11 Crash

Complete shock from this side of the screen. I didn't know MD-11's could bounce like that. Fly safe everyone.
Re: FEDEX MD-11 Crash


CNN International reporting:

That drives me absolutely insane when the rush to get something written becomes more important than writing a good article. It makes no sense to say "the pilot and copilot were killed" at the beginning of the article, then quote someone saying that the condition of the crew is not known. Horrible horrible journalism.

If indeed that turns out to be true, RIP :-(
Re: FEDEX MD-11 Crash

I'm upset to read of another crash. Sad, terrible news. :( I too, hope the crew made it out.
Re: Planes crash...

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Another website reporting both dead...

RIP Fellow Aviators
Re: FEDEX MD-11 Crash

news crawl from japanese paper

Fedex cargo plane is on fire after crash landing at Narita airport on Monday morning. Strong winds were reported at the time of the crash. Fire fighters are still trying to put out the blaze. Narita airport officials say the plane had flown in from Guangzhou, China. An alert had been issued for wind shear, a phenomenon featuring sudden changes in wind speed and direction, the Meteorological Agency said.       
Re: FEDEX MD-11 Crash

Oh man, I was channel surfing on the tube earlier and came upon this story on CNN. I am in disbelief!

This hits close to home for me, considering our recent events here in the States. I still see the 3407 crash scene in my head every day. In fact, I imagine I'll keep certain images in my head until the day I die. This accident just brings all the emotion back to the surface.

This is terrible, terrible news. My thoughts go out to the people directly involved/ affected by this! :(
