Failed checkrides

Well... it has never been anything like that. More like tomorrow where my instructor says were doing approaches and holds, while he's signing my logbook . Study up on that, know this or that related to approaches and holds cold. Then tomorrow comes and he asks me about what he told me to study. Followed by a bunch of other stuff he didn't. I stare back at him blankly. And he says did you even study the material?

Lots of late night calls to @jtrain609 occurred.

But I've learned since then to study and know EVERYTHING. Not just what you're told to study.
If you want hand-holding, go corporate aviation. FSI, CAE, et. al., are in the hand holding business. There's nothing wrong with that in general, as it produces good pilots. Keep in mind, though, that's the only time the pilot is the customer. The companies are paid to pass people. People still fail, even with that business model, but it's not normal.

The airlines are producing mass pilots who all do the same thing every time (SOP). They have made a very good pilot community, and this is the model that works for them, as described above by GypsyPilot. If me, coming from never studying for recurrent, can pass initial and recurrent at an international operation like MRDSCC, then anybody can.

I'm not saying either way is better or worse, but you'd better be prepared for 121 training. It can be done. Work on what you need to work on now, though. Airlines are a ways away for you.
Honestly at AB’s old shop it was very straight forward, as it will be at your place I’m sure. Study what you’re supposed to, and you’ll be fine. I’ve done tons of these, and they really aren’t a big deal and are way more straightforward than part 91 checkrides. The airlines want everyone to pass.
Correct. Come in. Do the things. Receive donut.

I’ve never met a training event I didn’t consider straightforward. Whether or not there was an opportunity to learn or polish is the issue, or if it was merely slam it through the paces on the first try or else, get on the jet and go home.