Endeavor - June 2024 Hiring Thread

If I could legally show you an email we received at my office earlier this week from a pilot that is a "partner" in global aviation academy, you'd know pilots have literally Zero idea what dispatchers actually do.

“So wait you mean to tell me yall actually plan routes based where the weather is forecasted to not be?”

Actual conversation I’ve had with a pilot after explaining what the TCF is.
Wouldn’t it be great if pilots sat with dispatchers in the same manner that we sit in the flight deck once a year?

It's a good idea in theory, but not practical due to the number of crewmembers. However I think having a class on dispatch during upgrade training would be quite useful...and let them know they are always welcome to visit dispatch if they want to see what we do in person.
At one of the places I worked, they would run new hires through ops. They would talk with the dispatch manager for like 5 minutes, but it would have been nice if they would have sat with the actual dispatchers for a bit.
Has anyone heard back after their second interview? Was told to expect to hear something by end of week and am assuming they already sent out CJOs.
There were close to 100 applications. 52 were sent the recorded interview thing. Some applications from SkyWest/republic dispatchers saying they have too many releases there.
Any idea how many got live interviews after the video thingy, and how many were offered? Guessing the ones from Republic/SkyWest had a better chance of getting CJO's if they made it to the final interview and did well.
There were close to 100 applications. 52 were sent the recorded interview thing. Some applications from SkyWest/republic dispatchers saying they have too many releases there.
Too many releases?? Is 51 releases too many??? You know we have to keep these management types well paid so they can afford these green fees, mansions, and nice vehicles! COME ON! ROW YA BASTARDS!
There were close to 100 applications. 52 were sent the recorded interview thing. Some applications from SkyWest/republic dispatchers saying they have too many releases there.
If that's still the case - they have too many releases - then it seems that the constant back to back hiring classes hasn't made a big dent in the short staffed situation. That must mean people keep leaving, but with the slowdown in hiring at the next level where is everyone going? Or are they just burning out? Look at some of the small regionals like GoJet and Mesa, they haven't hired anyone all year so apparently not bleeding dry with resignations and burnouts.
If that's still the case - they have too many releases - then it seems that the constant back to back hiring classes hasn't made a big dent in the short staffed situation. That must mean people keep leaving, but with the slowdown in hiring at the next level where is everyone going? Or are they just burning out? Look at some of the small regionals like GoJet and Mesa, they haven't hired anyone all year so apparently not bleeding dry with resignations and burnouts.
Friends don't let other friends go to Mesa..

The grass is always greener on the other side. Bottom line is, every single regional sucks in terms of pay/workload. I chose SKW as a regional since they don't junior man and you get 1 remote day out of the week. I'll gladly work extra 10-15 releases per shift for those.
I'm now at a different shop and I have coworkers from every regional. Pretty much everyone complained about their regional.. I wouldn't be picky when it comes to your first shop. Forget the location, it's temporary. Just go to the first shop that hires you and get experience as soon as possible and apply to majors when you hit your one year mark.
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Yeah, the past 2 years were definitely not the norm so this is more likely. But you never know, best to just get experience ASAP regardless.
Better late than never! The average age of dispatchers still skews towards the anticipation of enough retirements in the next 10-15 years that hiring should stay relatively steady. Just not like the last few years were.
Friends don't let other friends go to Mesa..

The grass is always greener on the other side. Bottom line is, every single regional sucks in terms of pay/workload. I chose SKW as a regional since they don't junior man and you get 1 remote day out of the week. I'll gladly work extra 10-15 releases per shift for those.
I'm now at a different shop and I have coworkers from every regional. Pretty much everyone complained about their regional.. I wouldn't be picky when it comes to your first shop. Forget the location, it's temporary. Just go to the first shop that hires you and get experience as soon as possible and apply to majors when you hit your one year mark.
So you get to work from home once a week? That's pretty cool. I hope the other regionals follow SKW's lead.