T-cart, back in the old days (before my time) you had to have AG time. Now, as you know, finding Ag guys is next to impossible. I must get 2 resume's a week, and so far in the past year, only one guy had any AG time, but 0 ME time. We are the only heavy operator that uses an all turbine fleet. The other two ops use round engines (P-2s). Four of my Captains have no AG time. Two still actively spray in the off season. It's kind of a mixed bag, you want someone with low level experience, but you also need to have multi-crew experience and multi engine time. A tough mix. The progression from FO to Captain is extremely slow. On average a guy is here for at least 5 seasons before even considering putting him in the Captain syllabus. That syllabus takes up to two years, over 100 drops, and 100 hours of low level aerial application time.
So with the long time in the right seat, and the fact that many of our Captains have been doing this for 20+ years, but have relatively low Instrument time, sometimes having a guy with lots of CRM experience, Instrument ME time is good too.
Clear as mud?