Delta is planning on hiring 1300 in 2020

I'll post a little positivity for those wanting to interview or about to. I just interviewed yesterday and today. I was offered a CJO...super stoked.

I was similar to @Jordan93 in study prep with probably a little less. I spent about 5 weeks studying anywhere from 3 to 6 hours a day, taking a few days off. 3 webinars on Emerald Coast. My interview was very positive, very conversational, and very professional. The tests were the tests and I felt like I had to do my part and they really wanted to hire all 16 of us. They do emphasize a lot on things in your career outside of the cockpit.

Overall I was very impressed with the setup and the day. I can't speak for interviews before me, maybe things changed. I'm not sure. If anyone has any questions or interviewing soon and wants to talk, feel free to PM me but overall very excited for this step in my career!

Stuff like that will shorten a lifespan. No reason to stroke out over stuff you can’t control. I had a FO one time go off about SEA approach control (to me). They had asked us to slow to slowest practical, and expect a potential quick turn for metering. (So in other words, any given day at SEA). And off the races we went. It started with a “these damn SEA controllers don’t know how to control.....”.

“Calm down, Sparky!” :)
Hey @Derg do you still work in the recruiting office? I emailed them a few years ago asking them if they needed any help in the office, particularly doing pilot interviews and they said they were good. Wondering if that’s still the case.