daily pic

Here is the other one I took from the same spot, looking North. Didnt realize it but Devils Tower was in it.

Here is the other one I took from the same spot, looking North. Didnt realize it but Devils Tower was in it.

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I've always wanted to visit that place, not enough to make special trip but after I saw Close Encounters I might've started making monuments out of my mashed potatoes too. Mom would just tell me to stop playing with my food (I was 6 or 7 years old).

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdkS0TgEG30

I think I understand the geologic phenomena that created it, apparently it was a volcano that cooled rapidly, the lava hardened and over time the mountain that surrounded it was worn away leaving just the harder volcanic monolith that we're all familiar with. It's a very odd thing and it shouldn't be a surprise that it's called the Devils Tower.

Or maybe it's the worlds largest, oldest petrified tree. I don't know, although if that's true who was the lumberjack?
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First, I’m jealous you went to Chuuk/Truk…that’s like a grail visit place for me.

Second, looks like an AA gun emplacement…based on some old photos, it looks like it. (I could be way off)
perhaps, it’s an odd little manmade cove/dock with stairs down to the water. maybe just a round breakwater? i’m new to the nautical world. only a few feet deep, but there’s plenty of old japanese infrastructure laying around. very weird vibe, kind of dark

let me know when ya come thru!