Cruddy Airplane Jobs

I remember Airwolf, A-Team, alot of it I caught during the days off in the summer or on holidays . . . I watched a lot of tv growing up . . . but I also spent a lot of my time outdoors.


Hogans Heros
Night Rider
Thunder in Paradise (filmed at Disney*)

*Be there soon for the Honeymoon

Ah to be a kid again . . . cool shows, and NO bills
Blue Thunder..

Lol.. . the movies was pretty cool.. although.. i hated when the one pilot ( I forgot his name ) who always made a snapping sound and with the finger.. " Catch ya lata' "
I know I'm late here, but I've got you all beat with reliving AirWolf. I flew a B-222 for a corporation for 5 yrs. part time and for 2 yrs. full time. I never could find the whisper mode button, but I did blow a lot of stuff up.

When I was doing the overnight suicide watches at the local hospital it was always a good thing when chips came on. You knew that once the show ended so did your shift. THanks Ponch.
C650CPT, is doesn't count unless its a 230. I fly fixed-wing and managed to jump into a 222 when it had dual controls in. Later I was bragging that I could fly Airwolf but everyone said it didn't count with the skids.
There are a number of folks that do look back and wish that they hadn't chosen to train to be a professional pilot since the September 11th attack 3 years ago. The important lesson to remember for these folks is that the airline industry is a "roller coaster". There will NEVER be long term stability in this industry, EVER (and there never has been). Just look to the oil crisis in the 1970s, the Gulf War in the early 1990s, the demise of PanAm and other legacy carriers, and the terrorist attacks 3 years ago. The airline industry represents an over-magnification of the general economy. There are very few airline captains retiring today that can say that they have never been furloughed or lost their job working for an airline due to it going out of business. It so important for folks getting into the industry to understand that even when hiring is awesome and there is no sign of downturn of the industry--IT WILL HAPPEN in due time. If you can accept this up front even when times are good, and love to fly (and EXPECT to be furloughed at some point), it can be a rewarding and satisfying career.
Sorry to push this off topic again, but yeah Airwolf was cool. I only really remember a few episodes but the one with the B52 bombers was pretty spiffy. Also, Blue Thunder (the movie) was nice. I found the DVD in the WalMart $5 bin.

On Topic

Other things to do besides fly for the regionals? Charter Ops aren't too hard to come by depending on where you are and your time. Also there are some things like pipeline patrol such as traffic patrol and the like. It really comes down to what you can find that will best advance your career to the goals you have in mind.

Jan Michael Vincent was a raging alcoholic. I dunno if he was a pilot in real life, but I saw the "What ever happend to ..." special, and it wasn't good. Hero busting.