CRJ-900 pilots...what takes so long?

I'm thinking of grandma in row 4 when it comes to 95F and no APU. In fact, it gives us guidance in our manual with a chart if the taxi time is over X with the temp over X, we don't go. Guess I'm a wuss, though.
I just want to know how many 402s have an APU so I can go out and fly one.....then refuse it for safety when the temperature gets so hot that Grandma at row 4 is sitting in 95F heat.

If you get paid for duty time, wouldn't you get paid for the time you're sitting there waiting? After all the later you block in the later you go off duty.
The later you are, the more customers who miss connections.

The more customers who miss connections, the more people are going to fly a different airline. It's amazing what word of mouth does.

When enough people stop flying your airline, your job goes away.

So while you get paid to sit there on the ramp and chill while someone else briefs every possible taxi route between the gate and every possible runway (or whatever is going on)'s probably not great for business.

I just want to know how many 402s have an APU so I can go out and fly one.....then refuse it for safety when the temperature gets so hot that Grandma at row 4 is sitting in 95F heat.

The same number that operate off Mesaba's manuals.

Here's my main beef: people are assuming they're getting screwed because guys are taking their time for the hell of it or because they want to get paid more. That may be the case SOME of the time, but if it's a daily occurrence, probably not. Even if it's the same flight every day, it's not the same crew every day. If passengers are being inconvenienced or missing connections, maybe get the departure time pushed up 5 minutes or something so you CAN get out ahead of them. If it's a pay issue (which was also brought up) make sure "block or better" is a "must have" item in the new contract. Coming on an internet forum and blasting another airline for something they might be required to do isn't gonna do anything but stir up trouble. Even if it was meant jokingly, it sure didn't read that way to me, and I don't even work at XJ.

Sure, no one's said for sure what Mesaba does, and I'm a little hesitant to think it takes 5 minutes after the tug disconnects EVERY TIME for them to start moving. I can't really say. However, I have pointed out several things that would cause me to either taxi slow (which was a point brought up totally different than the whole taking a while to start taxiing) or have us waiting to move in the -200.
The same number that operate off Mesaba's manuals.

Here's my main beef: people are assuming they're getting screwed because guys are taking their time for the hell of it or because they want to get paid more. That may be the case SOME of the time, but if it's a daily occurrence, probably not. Even if it's the same flight every day, it's not the same crew every day. If passengers are being inconvenienced or missing connections, maybe get the departure time pushed up 5 minutes or something so you CAN get out ahead of them. If it's a pay issue (which was also brought up) make sure "block or better" is a "must have" item in the new contract. Coming on an internet forum and blasting another airline for something they might be required to do isn't gonna do anything but stir up trouble. Even if it was meant jokingly, it sure didn't read that way to me, and I don't even work at XJ.

Sure, no one's said for sure what Mesaba does, and I'm a little hesitant to think it takes 5 minutes after the tug disconnects EVERY TIME for them to start moving. I can't really say. However, I have pointed out several things that would cause me to either taxi slow (which was a point brought up totally different than the whole taking a while to start taxiing) or have us waiting to move in the -200.

Hmmm...wouldn't say I blasted anyone. I just said they take forever and wanted to know why. And yes, I can assure you that this is a daily occurrence.

No, it is not a pay issue. People here seem to think it's because I don't get paid "block or better" (well, I don't technically), but that's not an issue. I get paid from show to release that day. I get paid to stand in line at Starbucks in Terminal D. The only reason I care about hustling is so that we keep up a customer base. We don't fly as a contract carrier for anyone; there are our passengers, and our airplanes with our company's name painted across the tail. We don't provide excellent customer service, people go elsewhere or start driving. No, I'm not saying that Mesaba is losing us customers (that'd be silly), but you guys seem to be trying to stick me with ulterior motives as to why I'm annoyed at the delay.

It's customer service related. People have tight connections. People pay to fly on us because it's more convenient. When it stops being convenient, they go away. Exactly what mini said.

Anyway, I've said my peace here and I think we're starting to go around in circles. I'll bow out of this at this point, but seriously, start a timer for 5's longer than you think. ;)
I am pretty sure there is. At least according to all of these flight team/ NIFA kids I have been watching practice this week...

I was one of those kids at one time and there infact not a medal given out for taxiing. There is one given out for safety though.:)
And for hours spent on forums :p

Well I wasn't much of an aviation nerd as the others and sucked badly at aircraft ID. In fact, I can't even tell one RJ from another even now! If I'm not flying it or going to fly it...I don't care about it.:D
I think if that happened I'd pretend I didn't hear them and call ready to taxi.

I'm tempted . . . lol.

Sometimes, you hear some guys say some silly things!

"Let's wait until they disconnect the tug before we start an engine. That's an easy 4 or 5 minutes!"

Say what?:confused:
I'm tempted . . . lol.

Sometimes, you hear some guys say some silly things!

"Let's wait until they disconnect the tug before we start an engine. That's an easy 4 or 5 minutes!"

Say what?:confused:

That was out procedure in DEN on the 170 during the big fuel crisis.
Unnecessarily slow taxi speed irritates me to no end. Seriously, you're out of flight school, the "no faster than you can walk" paradigm shouldn't apply anymore. If you can't successfully maintain aircraft control while taxiing at a speed that's conducive to efficient operations then why are you flying airplanes and not managing a golf cart ride company? Its one thing if you're limited to a certain ungodly slow speed by the GOM, or if you've got some other extenuating circumstances, but there are people who taxi at 5kts everywhere they taxi, every time! AUGH!GJKDS@!

American is the worst. I'm sorry, but if i have to ride my brakes while at low idle, you're going waaaay too slow.