I just want to know how many 402s have an APU so I can go out and fly one.....then refuse it for safety when the temperature gets so hot that Grandma at row 4 is sitting in 95F heat.I'm thinking of grandma in row 4 when it comes to 95F and no APU. In fact, it gives us guidance in our manual with a chart if the taxi time is over X with the temp over X, we don't go. Guess I'm a wuss, though.
The later you are, the more customers who miss connections.If you get paid for duty time, wouldn't you get paid for the time you're sitting there waiting? After all the later you block in the later you go off duty.
The more customers who miss connections, the more people are going to fly a different airline. It's amazing what word of mouth does.
When enough people stop flying your airline, your job goes away.
So while you get paid to sit there on the ramp and chill while someone else briefs every possible taxi route between the gate and every possible runway (or whatever is going on)....it's probably not great for business.