CRJ-900 pilots...what takes so long?


That's just, like, your opinion, man
Anyone fly the CRJ-900 around here?

I ask because I have the distinct pleasure of waiting around for Mesaba to start taxiing out of the alleyway every morning. I don't mind a 1-2 minute wait after disconnecting the tug, but guys, I've timed it...we're talking 5-6 minutes after tug disconnect to the call for taxi almost every day. What are you guys doing exactly?

Over the wintertime I figured it had something to do with engine temperatures. But, it was 70F this morning in BWI; Southwest and AirTran were pushing and taxiing faster than you guys.

Help a brotha out. No A/C in my bird, and it gets annoying holding my crew hatch open to keep us all cool. :)
If it is the first flight of the day, we'd start both engines and run through a few extra checks during taxi. I'm sure Mesaba has similar procedures. Some CAs like to pretend they are flying a 757, so it takes them longer;)
I don't think it's a -900 thing, it's a Mesaba thing. They were always the same way in the Saabs up in DTW. Express One (now Pinnacle) could get a Saab moving in a minute, but it took the Mesaba guys three times as long. Must be some sort of checklist nonsense or something.
I don't think it's a -900 thing, it's a Mesaba thing. They were always the same way in the Saabs up in DTW. Express One (now Pinnacle) could get a Saab moving in a minute, but it took the Mesaba guys three times as long. Must be some sort of checklist nonsense or something.

You know what, I think you are right. The last time I rode on Mesaba CRJ9 I was thinking "what the heck they are doing and what is taking so damn long?"
Anyone fly the CRJ-900 around here?

I ask because I have the distinct pleasure of waiting around for Mesaba to start taxiing out of the alleyway every morning. I don't mind a 1-2 minute wait after disconnecting the tug, but guys, I've timed it...we're talking 5-6 minutes after tug disconnect to the call for taxi almost every day. What are you guys doing exactly?

Over the wintertime I figured it had something to do with engine temperatures. But, it was 70F this morning in BWI; Southwest and AirTran were pushing and taxiing faster than you guys.

Help a brotha out. No A/C in my bird, and it gets annoying holding my crew hatch open to keep us all cool. :)

Unnecessarily slow taxi speed irritates me to no end. Seriously, you're out of flight school, the "no faster than you can walk" paradigm shouldn't apply anymore. If you can't successfully maintain aircraft control while taxiing at a speed that's conducive to efficient operations then why are you flying airplanes and not managing a golf cart ride company? Its one thing if you're limited to a certain ungodly slow speed by the GOM, or if you've got some other extenuating circumstances, but there are people who taxi at 5kts everywhere they taxi, every time! AUGH!GJKDS@!
Unnecessarily slow taxi speed irritates me to no end. Seriously, you're out of flight school, the "no faster than you can walk" paradigm shouldn't apply anymore. If you can't successfully maintain aircraft control while taxiing at a speed that's conducive to efficient operations then why are you flying airplanes and not managing a golf cart ride company? Its one thing if you're limited to a certain ungodly slow speed by the GOM, or if you've got some other extenuating circumstances, but there are people who taxi at 5kts everywhere they taxi, every time! AUGH!GJKDS@!

If you ever taxi behind a Polar 747 in ANC, be prepared to follow us to the P-Pad to give a lecture.
Unnecessarily slow taxi speed irritates me to no end. Seriously, you're out of flight school, the "no faster than you can walk" paradigm shouldn't apply anymore. If you can't successfully maintain aircraft control while taxiing at a speed that's conducive to efficient operations then why are you flying airplanes and not managing a golf cart ride company? Its one thing if you're limited to a certain ungodly slow speed by the GOM, or if you've got some other extenuating circumstances, but there are people who taxi at 5kts everywhere they taxi, every time! AUGH!GJKDS@!

Unnecessarily slow taxi speed irritates me to no end. Seriously, you're out of flight school, the "no faster than you can walk" paradigm shouldn't apply anymore. If you can't successfully maintain aircraft control while taxiing at a speed that's conducive to efficient operations then why are you flying airplanes and not managing a golf cart ride company? Its one thing if you're limited to a certain ungodly slow speed by the GOM, or if you've got some other extenuating circumstances, but there are people who taxi at 5kts everywhere they taxi, every time! AUGH!GJKDS@!
You're dangerous.

And foolish.

And that makes you DANGEROUS.
If you ever taxi behind a Polar 747 in ANC, be prepared to follow us to the P-Pad to give a lecture.

Actually, the thought crossed my mind but with the Korean Air 747s coming out of the APC, those guys taxi slow in ANC even when it isn't icy. If its an iced over ramp, yeah I get it, we never taxiied too fast when it was icy either. But 5kts or less is crazy slow. Even 10kts is pretty slow. 25kts? Yeah, that's too damned fast, but can't we have a happy medium?
Actually, the thought crossed my mind but with the Korean Air 747s coming out of the APC, those guys taxi slow in ANC even when it isn't icy. If its an iced over ramp, yeah I get it, we never taxiied too fast when it was icy either. But 5kts or less is crazy slow. Even 10kts is pretty slow. 25kts? Yeah, that's too damned fast, but can't we have a happy medium?
Your ego's writing checks your body can't cash.
I don't think it's a -900 thing, it's a Mesaba thing. They were always the same way in the Saabs up in DTW. Express One (now Pinnacle) could get a Saab moving in a minute, but it took the Mesaba guys three times as long. Must be some sort of checklist nonsense or something.

You know what, I think you are right. The last time I rode on Mesaba CRJ9 I was thinking "what the heck they are doing and what is taking so damn long?"

Haha, that's good to know. :D

Call to taxi before they push, or wait until they call to taxi to shut up the joint.

Problem solved.

That will be 2 beers.

Thank you.

Good plan, but this is during the taxi-in. 25 minutes takeoff to touchdown between LNS and BWI, then 5 minutes spent waiting for Mesaba. That's a pretty significant amount of time on such short flights. ;)

Unnecessarily slow taxi speed irritates me to no end. Seriously, you're out of flight school, the "no faster than you can walk" paradigm shouldn't apply anymore. If you can't successfully maintain aircraft control while taxiing at a speed that's conducive to efficient operations then why are you flying airplanes and not managing a golf cart ride company? Its one thing if you're limited to a certain ungodly slow speed by the GOM, or if you've got some other extenuating circumstances, but there are people who taxi at 5kts everywhere they taxi, every time! AUGH!GJKDS@!

Agreed. A couple unnamed airlines used to annoy the hell out of us in BOS. 5 knots aaaaaaaaall the way down November to 22R. :eek:
Unnecessarily slow taxi speed irritates me to no end. Seriously, you're out of flight school, the "no faster than you can walk" paradigm shouldn't apply anymore. If you can't successfully maintain aircraft control while taxiing at a speed that's conducive to efficient operations then why are you flying airplanes and not managing a golf cart ride company? Its one thing if you're limited to a certain ungodly slow speed by the GOM, or if you've got some other extenuating circumstances, but there are people who taxi at 5kts everywhere they taxi, every time! AUGH!GJKDS@!
I know you certaintly arent complaining about NAC:bandit:
Actually, the thought crossed my mind but with the Korean Air 747s coming out of the APC, those guys taxi slow in ANC even when it isn't icy. If its an iced over ramp, yeah I get it, we never taxiied too fast when it was icy either. But 5kts or less is crazy slow. Even 10kts is pretty slow. 25kts? Yeah, that's too damned fast, but can't we have a happy medium?

You do realize we have groundspeed readouts up there, right?

And that taxi speed affects the tire temps?

And that it adds heat to the brakes to use them to slow from a fast taxi?
You do realize we have groundspeed readouts up there, right?

And that taxi speed affects the tire temps?

And that it adds heat to the brakes to use them to slow from a fast taxi?

WHOA! You posted your edit right as I went to respond as was very confused for a second. LIGHTENING FAST!

Lol, I know all of these things, however does one airplane have to hold up every other airplane in line? I mean really? How much heat? What is reasonable?

I mean the whale is a hell of a lot bigger than the NAC jet (that's Yukon on the radio if you're unfamiliar) but I've seen them taxi around at a reasonable speed, as well as evergreen in the 747s. Cathay moves at a brisk pace sometimes (I think it depends on the captain). If you're going to blow tires out yeah, don't taxi that fast, but seriously, having seen Kalitta tear ass around the ramp so fast Connie had her skirt blown up, I don't know what to think.

To be honest, Polar isn't even that slow on the ramp. Its KAL!
WHOA! You posted your edit right as I went to respond as was very confused for a second. LIGHTENING FAST!

Lol, I know all of these things, however does one airplane have to hold up every other airplane in line? I mean really? How much heat? What is reasonable?

I mean the whale is a hell of a lot bigger than the NAC jet (that's Yukon on the radio if you're unfamiliar) but I've seen them taxi around at a reasonable speed, as well as evergreen in the 747s. Cathay moves at a brisk pace sometimes (I think it depends on the captain). If you're going to blow tires out yeah, don't taxi that fast, but seriously, having seen Kalitta tear ass around the ramp so fast Connie had her skirt blown up, I don't know what to think.

To be honest, Polar isn't even that slow on the ramp. Its KAL!
Only sort of related, but I love how when you taxi over any kind of bump at anything more than a strolling speed in the Cherokee, the nose wheel oscillates side to side like it's going to fall off the airplane.