Cowl Flaps Question

What you don't seem to understand is that your manner of writing is not only off-putting, it's condescending and arrogant. Like you feel some kind of need to write in a way that makes you seem like you're better, smarter and above the fray of the rest of us bug smashing puddle jump drivers when you're in fact surrounded by folks that I'd wager have a vast array of experience that matches or exceeds yours. Write like you talk to people in real life and I suspect you'll get a lot more productive dialogue, e.g. this last post where everyone is just supposed to accept that your definition of "correct" is accurate, definitive and beyond question.

Regarding cowl flaps, it's been almost a decade since I last flew I hp piston but as I remember it if you managed the temps in the descent then opening them on final wouldn't make any difference. I think at 9K in the 402 we ran them in "trail" (basically unlocked, half open half closed) during the approach phase and in my 210 I would open them on final as one less thing to deal with in the event of a go-around.
There is the potential here that I'm flying an SR71 while assuming you're flying an F18... when really you're flying a C152 and I'm just walking around on the ground assessing the real folks out there in the real world. That could explain your perception of "condescension" on my part. I don't mean to be condescending. I guess I just expect a higher level of general knowledge, more broadly dispersed... My bad!

Perhaps it's generational (time/experience) based. In my day, we always gave deference to our more experienced seniors (actual experiential seniors, not just date-of-hire seniors). When young, there was NO question in my mind that older, more experienced folks knew a heck of a lot more than I did. I don't know precisely how the youngsters think, except anecdotally... And the anecdotes, generally speaking, do not particularly aggrandize the younger generations (standing by for anti-boomer reply, though I'm not a boomer).

Put me in coach! Just realize... I'm NOT ready to play YOUR game! (LOL and ugh! Jeebus, the world is soooooo ignorant at the moment! I literally worry about the survival of civilization.)

As I've stated elsewhere: Live smart... or Die. That's not a threat. That's not a promise. That's JUST. A. FACT for humanity. As important as it must be to hold things together, the "norm" matters nary a whit these days. All that matters right now are the extremes. We currently live in a barbell world, not a bell-curve world!

Snap out on entry heading.... You can have your people call my people... Millions and millions to be made!!! What a bargain!!! I'll take eight!

And just to clarify... : It's not MY definition of "correct I'm referencing!!! Like I said, just fly by the checklist. THAT'S what's "correct", especially to you airline McPilots who push McButtons for a living... an EXCEEEDINGLY good "living" BTW.
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Already stated. I will not repeat myself in response to your apparent lack of comprehension. Go back to school... or something. Just please, stop bashing me for presenting the very questions you later state you revere.
Comical response, Troll. Keep up the stellar knowledge and communication skills that you claim to have. I’m not bashing you, I’m merely trying to understand what you’re actually trying to convey. Your post above is a good example of what I’m referring to.
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Comical response, Troll. Keep up the stellar knowledge and communication skills that you claim to have. I’m not bashing you, I’m merely trying to understand what you’re actually trying to convey. Your post above is a good example of what I’m referring to.
I'm trying to convey that we are losing the great "chain of being". "The falcon can no longer hear the falconer. The center is missing. Things fall apart." @Boris Badenov gets this. He went to a proper school. I suspect he studied a bit of history and understands that there is a reality that supercedes his own, personal screen time. Still, I doubt he'll stand up. This is how Germany -only 80 years ago- went from the most advanced nation on earth to a psychopathic dung show. Gandhi once quipped, "nothing you do is significant. Yet, it is VERY important that you do it."

Those are all poetic references. I don't mean to be a dick, but go read... or perhaps, reread, your poetry... and your history.

It's ALL there for us to understand, especially in a world in which e'ver-damned-thang is instantaneously available to all of us.

Still, it ALL depends on MOST of us being curious about and interested in the RIGHT STUFF, and then possessing the spine to stand up for what's just.

The problem now-days is NOT so much that the center is missing. It's that multiple generations of screen-people who are allowed to vote DON'T even know that there IS/WAS a center, or that they should, perhaps, be curious about what that center is, WHY it matters, and what holds it together.

When you don't know what the problem IS, or even, that you HAVE that problem, you will NEVER survive your problem. And, you'll do incredible "collateral damage" to everything you blissfully take for granted.
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I'm trying to convey that we are losing the great "chain of being". "The falcon can no longer hear the falconer. The center is missing. Things fall apart." @Boris Badenov gets this. He went to a proper school. Still, I doubt he'll stand up. This is how Germany -only 80 years ago- went from the most advanced nation on earth to a psychopathic dung show. Gandhi once quipped, "nothing you do is significant. Yet, it is VERY important that you do it."

Those are all poetic references. I don't mean to be a dick, but go read... or perhaps, reread, your poetry.

It's ALL there for us to understand, especially in a world in which e'ver-damned-thang is instantaneously available to all of us.

Still, it ALL depends on MOST of us being curious about and interested in the RIGHT STUFF, and then possessing the spine to stand up for what's just.

The problem now-days is NOT so much that the center is missing. It's that multiple generations of screen-people who are allowed to vote DON'T even know that there IS/WAS a center, or that they should, perhaps, be curious about what that center is and WHY it matters.

When you don't know what the problem IS, or even, that you HAVE that problem, you will NEVER survive your problem. And, you'll do incredible "collateral damage" to everything you blissfully take for granted.
@Wardogg have Ted Lasso write a response in the style of our friend here. Should be a good time :)
@Wardogg have Ted Lasso write a response in the style of our friend here. Should be a good time :)
Whatever, my friend. If you will not even honestly consider my response before mocking it and knee-jerkedly applying a pop-culture "screen-reponse", all I can say is "good luck". I might also add, "We're all counting on you."
Whatever, my friend. If you will not even honestly consider my response before mocking it and knee-jerkedly applying a pop-culture "screen-reponse", all I can say is "good luck". I might also add, "We're all counting on you."
What do you expect me to "honestly consider"? And use plain language please, not this ... whatever you call it writing style of yours

edit to add: to use your word, I'm not necessarily mocking your point, I'm mocking your delivery. You may, and often do, have some valid and pertinent points of view on a topic, but your inability or unwillingness to express them in a cogent manner is what's frustrating. You're not the wordsmith you seem to think you are. Talk plainly and people will listen. Not because they're dumb, because they're people simply trying to communicate thoughts and ideas on an internet message board.
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What do you expect me to "honestly consider"? And use plain language please, not this ... whatever you call it writing style of yours
Tell me, explicity, PRECISELY what you do not understand in that last post of mine. I accuse you, right now, of cleaving to a mob and ganging up... simply because you perceive that you can get away with it.

There was nothing fancy or exclusionary about what I just wrote in that last post. If you can't understand it, your problem is not me; your problem is simply that you, apparently, can not understand English.
Tell me, explicity, PRECISELY what you do not understand in that last post of mine. I accuse you, right now, of cleaving to a mob and ganging up... simply because you perceive that you can get away with it.

There was nothing fancy or exclusionary about what I just wrote in that last post. If you can't understand it, your problem is not me; your problem is simply that you, apparently, can not understand English.
Thank you, that's much more like it :)
Thank you ChatGPT:

Meet form810, a master of verbosity who effortlessly transforms concise ideas into bloated linguistic monstrosities. His every utterance resembles an expedition through a dense linguistic thicket, where simplicity and brevity are left gasping for air. Form810 has an uncanny ability to summon an avalanche of words to express even the most straightforward concepts, transforming them into bewildering labyrinths of convoluted syntax.

In conversation, form810 embarks on winding soliloquies that meander through tangents, detours, and parenthetical musings. He skillfully weaves intricate tapestries of verbiage, employing a multitude of superfluous adjectives, adverbs, and meandering clauses. His sentences become convoluted enigmas, requiring deciphering and untangling to discern their true meaning.

While others seek clarity and conciseness, form810's love affair with verbosity knows no bounds. He showers listeners with torrents of words, each sentence laden with layers of embellishment and verbosity that obscure rather than illuminate. What could be communicated succinctly in a sentence becomes an epic saga in his hands, filled with excessive descriptors, grandiloquent metaphors, and ponderous circumlocutions.

Form810's overuse of language often leaves his audience bewildered and yearning for the sweet embrace of brevity. Simple questions metamorphose into complex riddles that require Herculean effort to unravel. He takes a leisurely path through the thickets of verbosity, ensuring that every possible detour is explored, every adjective exhausted, and every subordinate clause expounded upon.

Yet, despite the labyrinthine nature of his discourse, form810's intentions remain pure. He genuinely seeks to express his thoughts and ideas, albeit in a manner that demands ardent dedication and unwavering attention from his audience. While others may yearn for simplicity and directness, form810's affinity for linguistic acrobatics is an intrinsic part of his character, forever challenging the bounds of language and stretching the limits of patience.

In conclusion, form810 is a linguistic virtuoso, an oratorical juggernaut who effortlessly turns simple statements into epic narratives. His penchant for verbosity is unparalleled, leaving listeners bewildered, yet captivated by the sheer audacity of his linguistic feats.
Thank you ChatGPT:

Meet form810, a master of verbosity who effortlessly transforms concise ideas into bloated linguistic monstrosities. His every utterance resembles an expedition through a dense linguistic thicket, where simplicity and brevity are left gasping for air. Form810 has an uncanny ability to summon an avalanche of words to express even the most straightforward concepts, transforming them into bewildering labyrinths of convoluted syntax.

In conversation, form810 embarks on winding soliloquies that meander through tangents, detours, and parenthetical musings. He skillfully weaves intricate tapestries of verbiage, employing a multitude of superfluous adjectives, adverbs, and meandering clauses. His sentences become convoluted enigmas, requiring deciphering and untangling to discern their true meaning.

While others seek clarity and conciseness, form810's love affair with verbosity knows no bounds. He showers listeners with torrents of words, each sentence laden with layers of embellishment and verbosity that obscure rather than illuminate. What could be communicated succinctly in a sentence becomes an epic saga in his hands, filled with excessive descriptors, grandiloquent metaphors, and ponderous circumlocutions.

Form810's overuse of language often leaves his audience bewildered and yearning for the sweet embrace of brevity. Simple questions metamorphose into complex riddles that require Herculean effort to unravel. He takes a leisurely path through the thickets of verbosity, ensuring that every possible detour is explored, every adjective exhausted, and every subordinate clause expounded upon.

Yet, despite the labyrinthine nature of his discourse, form810's intentions remain pure. He genuinely seeks to express his thoughts and ideas, albeit in a manner that demands ardent dedication and unwavering attention from his audience. While others may yearn for simplicity and directness, form810's affinity for linguistic acrobatics is an intrinsic part of his character, forever challenging the bounds of language and stretching the limits of patience.

In conclusion, form810 is a linguistic virtuoso, an oratorical juggernaut who effortlessly turns simple statements into epic narratives. His penchant for verbosity is unparalleled, leaving listeners bewildered, yet captivated by the sheer audacity of his linguistic feats.
I think I am gonna cry. That's a thing of beauty.
I think I am gonna cry. That's a thing of beauty.
As much as I hate this whole Ted Lasso experiment, what the system churned out couldn't possibly be more on point lol

I'm sure we'll get some kind of long-winded meandering response about how people don't think for themselves anymore, but damn if that didn't perfectly articulate what I suspect most of us are thinking reading his/her (their?) posts
Thank you ChatGPT:

Meet form810, a master novice of verbosity who effortlessly transforms concise ideas into bloated linguistic monstrosities. His every utterance resembles an expedition through a dense linguistic thicket, where simplicity and brevity are left gasping for air. Form810 has an uncanny ability to summon an avalanche of words to express even the most straightforward concepts, transforming them into bewildering labyrinths of convoluted syntax.

In conversation, form810 embarks on winding soliloquies that meander through tangents, detours, and parenthetical musings. He skillfully weaves intricate tapestries of verbiage, employing a multitude of superfluous adjectives, adverbs, and meandering clauses. His sentences become convoluted enigmas, requiring deciphering and untangling to discern their true meaning.

While others seek clarity and conciseness, form810's love affair with verbosity knows no bounds. He showers listeners with torrents of words, each sentence laden with layers of embellishment and verbosity that obscure rather than illuminate. What could be communicated succinctly in a sentence becomes an epic saga in his hands, filled with excessive descriptors, grandiloquent metaphors, and ponderous circumlocutions.

Form810's overuse of language often leaves his audience bewildered and yearning for the sweet embrace of brevity. Simple questions metamorphose into complex riddles that require Herculean effort to unravel. He takes a leisurely path through the thickets of verbosity, ensuring that every possible detour is explored, every adjective exhausted, and every subordinate clause expounded upon.

Yet, despite the labyrinthine nature of his discourse, form810's intentions remain pure doubtful. He genuinely seeks to express his thoughts and ideas, albeit in a manner that demands ardent dedication and unwavering attention from his audience. While others may yearn for simplicity and directness, form810's affinity for linguistic acrobatics is an intrinsic part of his character, forever challenging the bounds of language and stretching the limits of patience.

In conclusion, form810 is a linguistic virtuoso murderer, an oratorical juggernaut who effortlessly turns simple statements into epic convoluted narratives. His penchant for verbosity is unparalleled, leaving listeners bewildered, yet captivated annoyed by the sheer audacity of his linguistic feats.
Thank you ChatGPT:

Meet form810, a master of verbosity who effortlessly transforms concise ideas into bloated linguistic monstrosities. His every utterance resembles an expedition through a dense linguistic thicket, where simplicity and brevity are left gasping for air. Form810 has an uncanny ability to summon an avalanche of words to express even the most straightforward concepts, transforming them into bewildering labyrinths of convoluted syntax.

In conversation, form810 embarks on winding soliloquies that meander through tangents, detours, and parenthetical musings. He skillfully weaves intricate tapestries of verbiage, employing a multitude of superfluous adjectives, adverbs, and meandering clauses. His sentences become convoluted enigmas, requiring deciphering and untangling to discern their true meaning.

While others seek clarity and conciseness, form810's love affair with verbosity knows no bounds. He showers listeners with torrents of words, each sentence laden with layers of embellishment and verbosity that obscure rather than illuminate. What could be communicated succinctly in a sentence becomes an epic saga in his hands, filled with excessive descriptors, grandiloquent metaphors, and ponderous circumlocutions.

Form810's overuse of language often leaves his audience bewildered and yearning for the sweet embrace of brevity. Simple questions metamorphose into complex riddles that require Herculean effort to unravel. He takes a leisurely path through the thickets of verbosity, ensuring that every possible detour is explored, every adjective exhausted, and every subordinate clause expounded upon.

Yet, despite the labyrinthine nature of his discourse, form810's intentions remain pure. He genuinely seeks to express his thoughts and ideas, albeit in a manner that demands ardent dedication and unwavering attention from his audience. While others may yearn for simplicity and directness, form810's affinity for linguistic acrobatics is an intrinsic part of his character, forever challenging the bounds of language and stretching the limits of patience.

In conclusion, form810 is a linguistic virtuoso, an oratorical juggernaut who effortlessly turns simple statements into epic narratives. His penchant for verbosity is unparalleled, leaving listeners bewildered, yet captivated by the sheer audacity of his linguistic feats.
Yeah! Good job using some words. I understood EVERY ONE of them. Seriously, Bravo! Still, I'd have to give you a B+, 'cause you used "thickets of..." twice in your attempt to mock me in your simulacrum of an incoherent rant. You actually wrote a quite well-scripted post.

You don't hate me because of my words... My words are -mostly- clear and proper with proper application of proper grammar. (Yes, I do screw up occasionally. Sorry. I get a little lit now and then.)

You hate me because of the contextual/historical references I allude to that you don't grok - and don't bother to investigate.

You hate me because of the ideas I'm espousing.

And if you hate me for those, I'm ok with THAT. I've dealt with THAT for a couple decades already. The vocab-defense is just an excuse to deny that right now, Moto-gang style. I can't help (much) the disparity of educational opportunities that have retarded (stifled) multiple generations over the past 3 or 4 decades. Yet, due to those societal exigencies, there are an increasing number of folks in the world right now who don't know what they don't know; I'm talking ZERO idea. Further, those poor souls possess ZERO inkling or instinct to maybe go look up some stuff. I intuit you understand that as well I do. And that's not your fault; The fault for that rests with the greedy, grabbing generations that preceded you.
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Hit a nerve, did I?

Oops! Sorry! But... puh-leeease!!! Feel free to pile on while you call ME the troll! I'm actually kinda starting to like being the resident iconoclast.

I'll take all comers. (Can you still come, btw??)

Also, yes! You ARE making me lose ALL respect. Well done! And, thank you!
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Hit a nerve, did I?

Oops! Sorry! But... puh-leeease!!! Feel free to pile on while you call ME the troll! I'm actually kinda starting to like being the resident iconoclast.

I'll take all comers. (Can you still come, btw??)

Also, yes! You ARE making me lose ALL respect. Well done! And, thank you!
Just wait until/if I decide you're worth my time.

Not looking likely at the moment.
Yeah! Good job using some words. I understood EVERY ONE of them. Seriously, Bravo! Still, I'd have to give you a B+, 'cause you used "thickets of..." twice in your attempt to mock me in your simulacrum of an incoherent rant. You actually wrote a quite well-scripted post.

You don't hate me because of my words... My words are -mostly- clear and proper with proper application of proper grammar. (Yes, I do screw up occasionally. Sorry. I get a little lit now and then.)

You hate me because of the contextual/historical references I allude to that you don't grok - and don't bother to investigate.

You hate me because of the ideas I'm espousing.

And if you hate me for those, I'm ok with THAT. I've dealt with THAT for a couple decades already. The vocab-defense is just an excuse to deny that right now, Moto-gang style. I can't help (much) the disparity of educational opportunities that have retarded (stifled) multiple generations over the past 3 or 4 decades. Yet, due to those societal exigencies, there are an increasing number of folks in the world right now who don't know what they don't know; I'm talking ZERO idea. Further, those poor souls possess ZERO inkling or instinct to maybe go look up some stuff. I intuit you understand that as well I do. And that's not your fault; The fault for that rests with the greedy, grabbing generations that preceded you.
Meh, you haven't actually internalized a single damned thing so what's the point. Back to ignore with you. The fact you think you're the sole possessor of this kind of observation and have the high ground in espousing it is both sad and hilarious. You're not special and you're not unique. The only thing that makes you stand out is the fact you seem to think you're both those things and choose an obnoxious way of stating it. Regardless, adios, this is the last bit of my time you're taking away from me.