Considering leaving the profession for good, could use advice

Any day flying on the Z? The whale schedule I saw was not commuter friendly. 4 on 2 off 3 on 4 off.
Sdf whale trips are reasonably commuter-friendly once you can get off reserve. Maybe 3 shows if you can hold a junior VTO? Spit balling here, but something like that. And A-Reserve sucks but I think they build blocks that have 3 shows as well, and you could hold those fast. Not sure what's going on in ANC now, seems to change by the bid period whether people are happy or mutinous. I can't really speak to the z flying past broad characterizations as I have no desire to go over there. It's a really big fleet, though, so I would imagine that there is a lot of variety. My best guess is that there will be a lot more day flying on all of the twins due to the USPS flying, but I think maybe you meant out and backs. With the Optimizer/Sorter doing its dark work, I would expect fewer of those on everything.
Haha I am a total idiot. For some reason I thought it was a field of "modeling" (in the Hansel & Derek Zoolander sense) that somehow involved the environment? I need to read better :)
I actually appreciate the question. It's rare for people to express curiosity or interest, honestly.
I think the last time before that was over 40 days ago; for various reasons the other pilots I was flying with needed to fly more than I.

This is why I like having biddable FO and RO slots on a pairing. If you need/want landings and can't hold them via seniority, go find less desirable (to you) trips that you can hold the landing position on.
I'm the same - I don't mind redeyes but after doing them for a solid month, I wanted some variety.

And landings. I needed more landings.

I'm starting this month with a redeye, and we've got this weird 4-day that has basic turns with an overnight, and then a 2 day redeye tacked on from ABQ.

On the plus side, I did snag a 30-hour PWM overnight this month. That should be fun.

That is gonna be a great layover! PWM in the summertime is absolutely gorgeous. Last time I had a long one, I just went for a walk around the lighthouse and had some great food at the harbor but I think there's more adventurous stuff you can do like whale watching if you have the time.


That is gonna be a great layover! PWM in the summertime is absolutely gorgeous. Last time I had a long one, I just went for a walk around the lighthouse and had some great food at the harbor but I think there's more adventurous stuff you can do like whale watching if you have the time.
I really enjoyed doing this—if you have a long time to slowly go nowhere and back:

I still feel like you have a leg up going from the 145 to the 220. One of my old FOs went from the Lear where you flare at 10’ to the 76 at atlas getting like 1 landing a month. I just don’t know how you get the sight picture and muscle memory down with that transition.
If you land the ER flaps 30 and a little fast the flare isn’t much higher than 10 feet.
Isn’t UPS all night flying?
If I had to pull a number out my arse I’d say about 30-40 is day time flying. I was able to hold day time flying at about the 1.5yr mark. With that being said in comparison to night flying the duty days are longer, overnights are shorter and I’m working an extra 5-7 days a month. I see it as picking your poison. You’re either going to do night sort flying or deal with the constant 11.5hr duty days and 11-12hr overnights. I’m a night owl but it takes me 2 days to really recover from a week of that whereas I’m usually good after a day of rest when flying days.
I didn’t think that started yet.
Quite a bit is integrated into the system already. The number of weekend lines have ticked up over the past month. We had some postal flying in the past. It was usually 5500 numbers and done with the 75’s.
Bro... the pictures didn't look that fun, of them sitting on the Superior, and getting eaten alive by Deer flies.
This is my dad’s approach for dealing with those bastards. Actually works pretty well:


seems like a good idea until they pull the trips out before the bid runs and the stuff you wanted to fly and could have held goes to a new hire

the better is having people call for consolidation trips. they get what they want and someone with seniority gets bought off and the time off
Muh profit sharing
Is OP Acrofox? I haven’t been on in a while, but I hear ya! I haven’t read all 43 pages, so maybe people have chimed in enough about it, but add me to anyone suggesting long haul freight! It’s not easy schedules, but you can find a few different options to choose from, if you’re willing to learn how to manage your CR over several time zones. My story at my last carrier was similar. No calls, rarely an interview. Finally, one day I had it, and was done waiting. I applied at the company that I thought all the things you mentioned about Allegiant. That was a long time ago! And so were the events that kept me from applying at my current employer! I had the wrong idea and I learned that I could make my own mind up. It was worth it. I’m still here, at Kalitta, 6.5 years later. It’s not an easy schedule. It has its ups and downs, but you know what? I’ve figured out how to toss it around my way. No early am reserve calls (although it is possible), but every day is a new adventure, and every year, things improve here. The one thing I didn’t like my first year was the training. But, anyone who’s a good study can get through, and it’s better every year.

If you think your situation is going to break you, break it first. You aren’t in prison. You’re at a Regional. Your schedule is the scraps and it costs money and resources for them to make it easier for you, so forget trying to figure that out. They’ll always be giving you bad news after seniority makes things easier. I met too many people who tried to make that a career and the career broke them! You have options, if you’re willing to try something new. Make the jump!