Colgan Air Interview - Nov. 15th


Psychiatric Help 5¢
So... if you are going to interview for any carrier, you know where to go on the internet, right... to get the gouge?

Anyhoo... I had an interview with Colgan Air this past week and here is my experience: (I also had a mock interview with the JC gang at this year's networking event... i'll write up my experience ASAP as it was a fantastic mock interview and was real world prep for the interview below)

The gouges on the internet are SPOT ON… one piece of advice, read them ALL in preparation for your interview and look for trends going back the last couple of years and you’ll be golden.

Mr. Colgan told us that his daughter reads the gouges and reports back to him… so if she is reading this, your Dad is a good guy. I liked his no BS attitude, yes he is hard to read during the actual interviews, but I would be too if I asked the same questions over and over again in interviews looking for particular qualities in young pilots. (Having done hiring myself, I remember being hard to read too)

Anyhoo… they will tell you right away if they aren’t going to hire you and then at that point no one’s time (and $) is being wasted so that’s a good thing. Cathy was great too… don’t be nervous if they don’t look at you and spend the time writing things down. Just look everyone in the eye as you talk about yourself – and be yourself.

There is no particular order to the day… but you will do a WRITTEN, HR/TECH INTERVIEW, and SIM RIDE. At Colgan it’s all about the sim… which they tell you is because they don’t want you to wash out of training. I did the written first - I believe they have multiple versions of the written test (mine was 2006 v2) – based on conversations with the other applicants the other tests were similar. 50 question, multiple choice… if you are a good test taker you should have no trouble passing it. The most off the wall question was on mountain turbulence… just remember “leeward.”

For the WRITTEN study the Gleim ATP (121) book: Weather (all 3 Ch.’s incl Wind Shear), Airspace, ATC, IFR – Nav Equp, Hold, Apch, and Flights, FAR 121. Study up on the Jepp Charts… 2 recommendations, first look at the legend at the beginning of your chart book for a basic overview, 2nd… get the King Jepp videos. (Boring as {bleep} – but everything on the exam is covered on the 2 DVD’s) I found two typos on my test – and brought it to their attention. Next was the ORAL.

For the ORAL: know the systems on the most complex plane you flew (Power Plant, Landing Gear, Fuel, Electrical, Props, Flaps, and basic V speeds), be able to read a METAR & TAF (they might give you a dispatch report to read!!!), Know your speeds… holding below 6, 6-14, 14+, Max speeds… below 10K, under shelf of Bravo, in C & D. Anything I missed… just read the gouges on the internet, it really is all there and was invaluable to me. (notice a trend here…)

SIM: the profile is dead on. I’m the one out of the group that really bombed the sim ride… (and was not offered the job because of it – after my performance, I was worried about my skills driving my car back from the airport later) So… my best piece of advice about the whole day is to relax. I didn’t sleep for about 4 days prior to the interview. (I had multiple back-to-back trips before the call, then got the call while on the road) I spent the whole time heading out studying and cramming for the tests because I only found out that I was interviewing about 30 hrs. before I had to be there. So, I was running on caffeine and adreliene – knew I aced everything else and regressed into an absolute moron in the cockpit. So, as things started to go wrong, (and I knew that the job was slipping away) my flying just got worse and worse. So, if you are having an off day… there are a lot of fish in the sea and just have the attitude that this is good practice for the next interview. (because a lot of people are hiring)

Here’s what I have in my notes for the sim brief: Inst. Takeoff, climb to 3000’, RV to course then direct LGA VOR. Power settings… 2000 lbs. torque = 200 Kts., 1800 lbs. = 180 Kts. Hold over LGA VOR. RV to ILS 22 LGA. [Make sure you download the plate and memorize it.] Prior to LOC (on base leg) - TO Flaps, GS alive - Apch. Flaps, One dot above intercept – Gear Down, On GS – Landing Flaps. Remember – each time you put in the flaps the plane will balloon. Hold the electric trim down for 3 sec. (or if it is inop, good luck!) On the ILS – you want your descent rate to be 700 FPM, bracket it between 500-1000 FPM. 500 if low, 1000 if high. You are looking for 140 Kts., 1400 Lbs. torque on the power. Ok… you takeoff, get some headings, climbs, and turns. At some point the instructor will tell you to go direct LGA and give you a hold. Make sure to work out with your sim partner beforehand that each of you will draw the hold for each other and switch the controls for 30 sec. while the other one briefs the hold for the instructor. He’ll probably make you fly the hold. But, if your partner draws a VOR, the hold on the VOR, and your position approaching the VOR you’ll be golden. Then it’s RV to the ILS. When being vectored for the ILS, they don’t seem to care about false GS readings, so when you pick up the GS, just ride it down to the ground.

Colgan is a great company to work for… just like they said in the presentation – by working for them you are attending Aviation U. and at the end of 4 years you will have a degree in Captain. (with a minor in 1500 turbine PIC) They interview a lot of pilots – if you get the phone call from them, start studying your material right away as they give you practically no warning prior to the interview. (I’d do a general review of everything over a week or so before submitting my application, then really study Colgan specific stuff as soon as they pre-screen you over the phone)

Good luck to everyone and study well.
Don't get me wrong, I would have liked the 1st reply better... well, I guess it's Skyway, XJT, Mesa, TSA, Comair, Pinnacle, Ameriflight, or SKW for me. (after I pass my ATP written - can't let all that studying go to waste)
Don't get me wrong, I would have liked the 1st reply better... well, I guess it's Skyway, XJT, Mesa, TSA, Comair, Pinnacle, Ameriflight, or SKW for me. (after I pass my ATP written - can't let all that studying go to waste)

good luck to you. and btw- i like your website :)
good luck to you. and btw- i like your website :)

Thanks!!! Joomla... done for me by one of my students. (well, I did all of the content, but he did the back end) My old site was a hodge-podge of HTML I did myself. It was nice, but a pain in the rear to update/change.