As much as your POI/CMO will give you. Since they have existed, Training departments have always thought they were smarter than the OEM and would redesign checklists and procedures to either match previous airplanes (commonality!), or their favorite airplane. Manufacturers make planes to be flown a certain way, and when you don't fly them that way it generates extra work for the pilots and reduced safety margins.
About 6 years ago Airbus generated a common set of standards for all of their in production aircraft (32X, 330, 340, 350, and 380). No matter which plane you fly the callouts, procedures, checklists, and manuals are all set up the same way. It uses best practices and allows for faster updates when something changes. We just switched to full OEM procedures (other than delayed implementation of FOs taxiing) on both our NB and WB airbus fleets. There has been a fair amount of pushback (mostly from captains not wanting to do walk arounds and not understanding the difference between CM1 and PF) but overall it's going to be a beneficial change.