CFI, II, MEI Looking for job out West


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for a flight instructing job somewhere on the West Coast. I have my CFI as well as AGI, IGI and a current first class medical. I expect to have my CFI-I and MEI completed in about two weeks.

I have experience flying: Cessna 152s and 172s, PA-28Rs, PA-44s, and DA-42 Twin Stars.

Any leads would be welcome--feel free to send me a PM. Bay Area or Seattle is ideal, but I'm open to any suggestions.
PM me your details. I am looking for a full-time instructor in KBFL

PM Sent.

If you are looking to fly A LOT, Hillsboro Aviation might be for you. They are way short staffed. Their website is

Don't suppose you know if Hillsboro's improved their compensation since January... Lack of sales tax aside, Portland is not a cheap town--I grew up there.