Cessna 335


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here have any experience with Cessna 335s? Or for that matter a 340 minus the pressurization? I have a lot of twin cessna time so I'm not so much looking for flying advice but rather to hear from anyone that has maintained or been involved in the upkeep of one. Looking to go do a pre-buy inspection on one and just curious about idiosyncrasies and such. I am joining the Twin Cessna Flyers Club and they have a pre-purchase inspection checklist I will use as well.
Pullman WA? I don't have a real connection to there other than my wife went to WSU but wonder if he would be ok with a cold call.
In my experience, guys in this business are almost universally willing to give folks advice about the foibles of an aircraft type. I've talked to literally dozens of different operators about things like that.
Pullman WA? I don't have a real connection to there other than my wife went to WSU but wonder if he would be ok with a cold call.
Yes. He would be more than happy to rap to you about his 340 and probably try to sell you one at the end of the conversation. If you feel like you need a conversation starter just tell him your situation and then tell him Bobby, a former CP there told you to call him.