Cathay Pacific

It’s a valid question! My wife and I have been in the US since February. In fact, we closed on a house in Colorado earlier this month.

Not sure what I’ll bid on for this next big bid we have, but we’re considering the CGN base as I can probably hold CA there. Otherwise, I’ll just bid for OAK.

What equipment are you on?
It’s a valid question! My wife and I have been in the US since February. In fact, we closed on a house in Colorado earlier this month.

Not sure what I’ll bid on for this next big bid we have, but we’re considering the CGN base as I can probably hold CA there. Otherwise, I’ll just bid for OAK.
Another question (hope it's not too personal), do you and your wife have kids, if so were they integrated into their lives there? I'm not questioning anything you're doing I'm just curious.
Another question (hope it's not too personal), do you and your wife have kids, if so were they integrated into their lives there? I'm not questioning anything you're doing I'm just curious.

No kids, but I have a wife. We were only there for three years, but my wife did make a lot of very good friends during that time. Just today we were talking about how she really misses her social life in HKG. I also had some very good friends while there. We all still talk frequently, but I definitely miss hanging out with all those guys and doing fun adventures on our days off. We were all pretty tight, which is probably common for an expat lifestyle.

That was definitely one of the main reasons we came back to Colorado instead of starting over somewhere unknown. We have family and friends here, and it’s a good place to get our bearings after all we went through the last couple of years.
No kids, but I have a wife. We were only there for three years, but my wife did make a lot of very good friends during that time. Just today we were talking about how she really misses her social life in HKG. I also had some very good friends while there. We all still talk frequently, but I definitely miss hanging out with all those guys and doing fun adventures on our days off. We were all pretty tight, which is probably common for an expat lifestyle.

That was definitely one of the main reasons we came back to Colorado instead of starting over somewhere unknown. We have family and friends here, and it’s a good place to get our bearings after all we went through the last couple of years.

Im jealous that you guys got to experience that, but sorry it ended so poorly.
You guys realize we did this to ourselves right? Sucks for the crews, but a lot of people freaking out need to take a look in the mirror about their conduct during the pandemic.

Yes, peasants, if only you had kneeled before the crown and been good little subjects, you might be allowed to have something resembling a crappy form of life. Instead, since you demanded your liberty, you will be punished!
Yes, peasants, if only you had kneeled before the crown and been good little subjects, you might be allowed to have something resembling a crappy form of life. Instead, since you demanded your liberty, you will be punished!

did you go looking through posts to find one where I disagree with you again so you could try to feel better about your crappy take on the pandemic?

man, that’s pretty sad