Cathay Pacific

Showed up in China. :confused2:
There’s a case to be made that the writing should have been on the wall when the date was set for the takeover of Hong Kong and reasonable people should have had an exit strategy. I don’t necessarily subscribe to that thinking bc it seems a lil victim-blamey to me but there ya go. if there’s any silver lining to all of this hopefully it makes companies aware of the risks of doing business with China to the point of actually doing something about it.
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I’m supposed to go to Berlin on the 26th. Maybe I should hold off

I might think about a solid Google search at some legit sites including some translated German news and Austria is now having the same issues/rise in cases/intensive care space running out and more, as Berlin is having.

New issues in Europe and Russia now.......

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Are any US crews laying over anymore? FedEx stopped that several months ago. I would not layover there under any circumstance at this point.

Nope, a lot of US crewed flights are usually launched into HKG from somewhere in Asia (Usually NRT, TPE, ICN). Do the turn staying on the aircraft and launch back out their destination. Makes for long days!
Just saw a report that FedEx has shut down its HKG base because of these new rules or recent occurrences and no clear timeline for return to normal.
This happened in the late Spring/early Summer.


Sort of. It's complicated...

Last February (2021), the HKG pilots were "temporarily" relocated to SFO. We still did all of our same trips, but we were positioned via double deadheads (an airline flight to/from Asia) for each trip. Our families were still permitted to stay in HKG, and many of them did stay (and still are) in HKG. The reason being many people had kids in school, or had spouses tied to Asia, etc.

The hope for most of us was that there would eventually be light at the end of the tunnel, and we would be able to return to HKG. Unfortunately, HKG has just continued to trend in the wrong direction. The events of the past couple weeks undoubtedly were the final nail in the coffin, and my theory is that this new FedEx bid was delayed by a couple of weeks as management figured out how to deal with closing HKG.

Almost all of us still have a lot of our belongings in HKG, so we have no idea how we will even get that back. Closing HKG was definitely the right decision, it's just going to be a bit of a cluster to make it all work.
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This is an interesting thread coming from a group of people who seem to think the problem with our government is that it hasn't been authoritarian enough.

What the heck are you talking about? Nobody is being forced to do anything they don't want to in the US. As far as vaccine mandates for employees, this is so that people like you don't make people like me sick due to your ignorance. If you maintain your selfish decision to not get vaccinated, you're welcome to go work somewhere else that has a small employee group and an employer willing to take on your burden.
What the heck are you talking about? Nobody is being forced to do anything they don't want to in the US. As far as vaccine mandates for employees, this is so that people like you don't make people like me sick due to your ignorance. If you maintain your selfish decision to not get vaccinated, you're welcome to go work somewhere else that has a small employee group and an employer willing to take on your burden.
There are people on my side of the industry who think they should be allowed to be sealed up in a tiny aluminum tube transporting critically ill or injured patients without getting vaxxed. Delusional.
What the heck are you talking about? Nobody is being forced to do anything they don't want to in the US. As far as vaccine mandates for employees, this is so that people like you don't make people like me sick due to your ignorance. If you maintain your selfish decision to not get vaccinated, you're welcome to go work somewhere else that has a small employee group and an employer willing to take on your burden.

What the poster is saying is there definitely exists a segment of people that would welcome measures like this here in the US.
Sort of. It's complicated...

Last February (2021), the HKG pilots were "temporarily" relocated to SFO. We still did all of our same trips, but we were positioned via double deadheads (an airline flight to/from Asia) for each trip. Our families were still permitted to stay in HKG, and many of them did stay (and still are) in HKG. The reason being many people had kids in school, or had spouses tied to Asia, etc.

The hope for most of us was that there would eventually be light at the end of the tunnel, and we would be able to return to HKG. Unfortunately, HKG has just continued to trend in the wrong direction. The events of the past couple weeks undoubtedly were the final nail in the coffin, and my theory is that this new FedEx bid was delayed by a couple of weeks as management figured out how to deal with closing HKG.

Almost all of us still have a lot of our belongings in HKG, so we have no idea how we will even get that back. Closing HKG was definitely the right decision, it's just going to be a bit of a cluster to make it all work.
Honest question. Are you planning on returning to HKG or trying to get your family moved over here? I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm just wondering what someone in your position is planning on doing.
Honest question. Are you planning on returning to HKG or trying to get your family moved over here? I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm just wondering what someone in your position is planning on doing.

It’s a valid question! My wife and I have been in the US since February. In fact, we closed on a house in Colorado earlier this month.

Not sure what I’ll bid on for this next big bid we have, but we’re considering the CGN base as I can probably hold CA there. Otherwise, I’ll just bid for OAK.
It’s a valid question! My wife and I have been in the US since February. In fact, we closed on a house in Colorado earlier this month.

Not sure what I’ll bid on for this next big bid we have, but we’re considering the CGN base as I can probably hold CA there. Otherwise, I’ll just bid for OAK.

Do you think there will be any other FDAs opening to supplement CGN?