Cathay Pacific


Does It Really Matter....?
Staff member
I follow a bunch of different pilots on the 'Gram just for the pictures and what not and ran across some odd/interesting news. I know we have a bunch of freight guys and gals onboard that spend time in Hong Kong and there are some Cathay Pacific crews that are being quarantined for 21 days upon arrival in HKG. Seems like any of the crews that had been through Frankfurt are being taken to these quarantine cubes for three weeks. Did something happen in Frankfurt ? Are other crews getting pulled...? Seems like this could cripple an airline. The pilots are publishing much with their social media policy in place but from what I read it seems to come out of nowhere....

Anyone else seen anything on this ?
Only thing I can think of is Germany is seeing a spike of cases

Thats what I was thinking as well. Another headscratcher was they pilots were already quarantined to their hotel so why they were getting pulled and taken to these 'cube' barracks now.
Oh yes. I’m very familiar with this situation.

A cargo crew that had a layover in FRA ended up testing positive for COVID after initially testing negative on their first test on arrival in HKG.

The government flipped out, as they always do, and now in response they are implementing a completely insane strategy. The new rules for local based cargo crew will be:

1)Initial test on arrival.
2)Isolate at home for two weeks, with a required test EVERY day at a government testing center.
3)Pilots can ONLY leave home for testing, to go to a medical appointment, or to depart for a trip.

So the pilots will either be working (and not ever being able to leave their hotel room), or be at home and NOT be allowed to leave their home except for the situations listed above. Indefinitely.

I wonder when the suicides will start happening?

There’s also a bunch of other insane and crazy human rights violations that are happening right now to non-crew. I’ll post more about that later.
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For local crews that stinks. For crews laying over to get pulled and stuck in what looked like a military camp, unable to leave the rooms is insane. Hows does any airline send a crew in just to have them be pulled and unavailable for three weeks?
Pretty miserable for guys/gals at CX between the China takeover/civil unrest followed by the pandemic and additional political restrictions on many citizens to travel along with the fact that the company had just dumped a bunch of money into acquiring the LCC Hong Kong Express before the onset of all this, guys had to take HUGE pay cuts. I want to say it was over 40% for my friend (777CA) but I don't know anyone else flying there so I'm not sure what it was for others. Then, of course, there is the whole quarantine after every trip because it's all INTL from HKG and even crap like operating a cargo flight to Australia, stay on the plane the whole turn, then ride back...or do the reverse and get what sleep you can inbound then fly the bird home.

I've known the dude there to be infinitely optimistic as he is also an avgeek and was the youngest 777 CA there at one point and loved life, to hear how miserable and irritated he is normally now is very telling. Then there is the whole police witch hunt they sent after my FA friend there who had to bail to Europe to let the heat die down after speaking to the media, but that's another story. Poor HK...falling apart right before our very eyes...

They're acting like the crews are spreading AIDS or something there, sheesh.
For local crews that stinks. For crews laying over to get pulled and stuck in what looked like a military camp, unable to leave the rooms is insane. Hows does any airline send a crew in just to have them be pulled and unavailable for three weeks?

Are any US crews laying over anymore? FedEx stopped that several months ago. I would not layover there under any circumstance at this point.
Are any US crews laying over anymore? FedEx stopped that several months ago. I would not layover there under any circumstance at this point.
Is UA not? I notice aircraft headed there from time to time, not sure if live pax, cargo, or contract mx...
If you went to Frankfurt this month, made it to HK for your test upon arrival went ho,e, you’re still subject to the 21 day isolation camp. From the looks of it they’re not even allowed out of the container for any exercise or fresh air.
If you went to Frankfurt this month, made it to HK for your test upon arrival went ho,e, you’re still subject to the 21 day isolation camp. From the looks of it they’re not even allowed out of the container for any exercise or fresh air.

That’s correct. In HKG quarantine, you go to Penny Bay quarantine camp. You are not allowed to go outside during the entire stay.

Also, here’s an example of how bizarre and cruel the HKG government has become:

We have some good friends in HK that are from Europe. They went to Europe for vacation, then came back to HK last month. They went through the mandatory 14 day hotel room isolation (which involves multiple tests throughout the stay).

After completing the 14 days, they went home. Seven days AFTER they left the hotel isolation, a person that was on the same floor as them tested positive for COVID. The government tracked down everyone on that floor that was staying there at the same time as the positive person, and forced them to quarantine AGAIN but this time at the much, much worse Penny Bay quarantine camp for 21 days!!

So this included our friends, who received a call from the government that they were coming to their house and forcing all four of them to go to the quarantine center. The government initially was going to separate all four members of the family, including the mother, father, and teenage son and daughter.

The mom (our friend) flipped out on the official that was going to separate everyone, and also got her consulate involved. Only after that, did the government agree to let the daughter quarantine with the mom and son with the father. They also negotiated seven days credit of quarantine, so now they “only” have to do 14 days of extra quarantine at Penny Bay.

My last day in HKG was in August, my wife got out in early October with our two dogs. Thank God we are done with that place, it turned into Orwellian nightmare scary quick.
This has been going on a while. The Chinese have been running these “quarantine“ prison camps for almost a year. I know a guy that had a contract to ferry 5 K350s to HKG.

Upon arrival they told him would have to quarantine. He told them that his flight back to the State left in 3 hrs. They took him into town to a hotel where he signed in at the front desk, gave the hop a tip and then was locked in his room for two weeks.. No maid service but food was delivered each day. At the end, he got stuck with the bill that included room service and security (military watching his door) charges! Would have been less less posture” to the people of China to let him just go home! It’s a way to get a few thousand dollars from everyone!
If you went to Frankfurt this month, made it to HK for your test upon arrival went ho,e, you’re still subject to the 21 day isolation camp. From the looks of it they’re not even allowed out of the container for any exercise or fresh air.

Thats what I was seeing on the pilots I follow on instagram. stuck in the little cubby hole for three weeks. food is all delivered...... talk about the suk
You guys realize we did this to ourselves right? Sucks for the crews, but a lot of people freaking out need to take a look in the mirror about their conduct during the pandemic.

I do think HKG is going overboard, but in a lot of cases we absolutely did it to ourselves. Our treatment in Australia was the direct result of crew members being idiots. Thankfully that is over if you're vaccinated.