Caribbean Pilots.

Sounds like a plan man. Just remain focused. That's probably the best advice that I can give you. After high school I went through a two year associates degree program, and then another four years for a bachelor's degree in aviation. Thought the end of formal schooling would never come. But the learning never stops...

I plan on going to a community college for two years starting Spring '10, right now I just need to get certain things straitened out first, and flying is one of them!
I plan on going to a community college for two years starting Spring '10, right now I just need to get certain things straitened out first, and flying is one of them!

Thanks again to all that participated in the thread. I myself am going to FL this coming Fall to start a BS degree. I have about 8hrs flying already around Barbados but due to some problem haven't been able to get aircraft to fly since about near 3months now. :(. Glad to at least been able to fly around my homeland and see my house too! Truthfully I don't really have a particular area I would like to fly just as long at the end of the day I was able to make it.
Well I am from barbados. I used to live in st lucia for a long time. God I can still speak patios although I haven't spoken it in decades and I can't speak a word of spanish anymore.
hey everyone, im haitian by way of NY! nice to see all the Carb Massive on here!!!
im with Mesaba on the Saab base in MEM.....
Did anyone here make it to TNT Canrival? i had a blast down there!!!!
Do you remember where exactly? I am originally from Morne Fortune (The morne) there. Both parents are Dominican so after retiring in 2002, they decided it was time to move back to their home island. So I have been living in Dominica since then, and have yet to visit my home island. Just never had the chance to, especially after leaving for the US to go through flight school. I can only imagine how much has changed. :)

I lived outside of Vieux Fort. I was teaching scuba and driving boats - just out of college. Had a great time! Beautiful island! It's been 15 years now since being there. I'd love to go back one of these days.
I lived outside of Vieux Fort. I was teaching scuba and driving boats - just out of college. Had a great time! Beautiful island! It's been 15 years now since being there. I'd love to go back one of these days.

Sweet man. Never explored that part of the island. Guess it's because I grew up on the north side. Planning to visit once I get set up flying an for an airline down here, and don't have to buy a ticket ;).
Persons can also state what position they are in their careers also if they so feel too. I for one am a tender baby -

Student Pilot. :p
I plan on going to a community college for two years starting Spring '10, right now I just need to get certain things straitened out first, and flying is one of them!

I am of Jamaican descent also, living here in the US...have my license, but pursued a four year degree followed by a Master's beforehand. I felt just like how you do now 13 yrs ago when I graduated high school. I wanted to work on the flying while I went to CC, but my parents talked me out of advise they ever gave.

I like your enthusiasm...that will get you far, but looking at the economic climate and the state of aviation, I would definitely look into getting a four year degree (if financially possible) while flying on the side. It will serve you will in and outside of aviation.

I am currently an engineer by trade and that's what is putting food on the table as well as paying for my other ratings. I plan on entering the professional ranks soon when things improve, but right now, having a non-aviation-related background to fall back on is a God-send.

Just some food for thought...
I am of Jamaican descent also, living here in the US...have my license, but pursued a four year degree followed by a Master's beforehand. I felt just like how you do now 13 yrs ago when I graduated high school. I wanted to work on the flying while I went to CC, but my parents talked me out of advise they ever gave.

I like your enthusiasm...that will get you far, but looking at the economic climate and the state of aviation, I would definitely look into getting a four year degree (if financially possible) while flying on the side. It will serve you will in and outside of aviation.

I am currently an engineer by trade and that's what is putting food on the table as well as paying for my other ratings. I plan on entering the professional ranks soon when things improve, but right now, having a non-aviation-related background to fall back on is a God-send.

Just some food for thought...

Thanks for you advice, I will deffinetly try to digest it!:);)
A very good point made Dilla. At first I was not that enthusiastic about pursuing a four year degree myself, since I just wanted to get done with flight school as quickly as possible, and as young as possible. But after following my Dad's wise advice, I decided to go through with it, and now I do not regret it one bit. I have all my flight ratings, an associates degree, and a Bachelor's degree, and haven't broken the age 25 mark as yet. Just showing that it can be done eventhough you decide to take a longer route.

Luckily I was able to pursue mine in aviation itself, and so have a much deeper understanding of the theory itself, as opposed to if I just focused on getting flight ratings. Plus it simply looks better on your resume. Shows you can commit to something and come out on top; a huge plus for carriers these days. Just make sure you make a wise decision as to where exactly you pursue your degree, since you will not only be paying for flight ratings, but also university core courses as well (that's if you decide to get an aviation related degree)...
Make sure you have a solid financial plan too! I suggest, if possible work and save atleast 50% of your training cost.

Dont get saddled with too much debt when your young; there are no guarantees you'll make it as a pilot, or land a high paying flying job to service the debts from loans.

Flight school packaged prices (approx $30-40,000) are just minimum package prices, and dont factor in living expenses for 6-12 months, extra training, extra flight tests etc.

Get a degree or learn a vocational trade like plumbing or electrical work, The worldwide ecomomy will continue to be very uncertain and airlines are in the firing line. And when you join an airline that subsequently needs to cut costs, its last in, first out (meaning you, if you just joined)! So have a plan B.

Be focussed, determined, stick to your overall goal, but dont be naive! This flying game is an expensive thrill ride!

Good luck partner :)
I will just like to reiterate all the great advice everyone has given thus far. I too have made a long term plan to approaching this career avoiding debt like the plague. I focused on my education and got both undergrad and graduate degrees by age 24. Finished my commercial at 26 and my goal this year is to get my CFI. I continue to use my academic and flying education on the job as I work in the aviation field on the engineering side. I will suggest to all of you who are not financially able to get all your ratings at once to go this route if your parents are not well endowed. Work hard in high school get excellent grades, apply to every imaginable scholarship out there for college and you could possible graduate debt free like I did. Then when you work you can earn a salary with which you can afford to pay for all your bills and your flight training.
I will just like to reiterate all the great advice everyone has given thus far. I too have made a long term plan to approaching this career avoiding debt like the plague. I focused on my education and got both undergrad and graduate degrees by age 24. Finished my commercial at 26 and my goal this year is to get my CFI. I continue to use my academic and flying education on the job as I work in the aviation field on the engineering side. I will suggest to all of you who are not financially able to get all your ratings at once to go this route if your parents are not well endowed. Work hard in high school get excellent grades, apply to every imaginable scholarship out there for college and you could possible graduate debt free like I did. Then when you work you can earn a salary with which you can afford to pay for all your bills and your flight training.

I will just like to reiterate all the great advice everyone has given thus far. I too have made a long term plan to approaching this career avoiding debt like the plague. I focused on my education and got both undergrad and graduate degrees by age 24. Finished my commercial at 26 and my goal this year is to get my CFI. I continue to use my academic and flying education on the job as I work in the aviation field on the engineering side. I will suggest to all of you who are not financially able to get all your ratings at once to go this route if your parents are not well endowed. Work hard in high school get excellent grades, apply to every imaginable scholarship out there for college and you could possible graduate debt free like I did. Then when you work you can earn a salary with which you can afford to pay for all your bills and your flight training.

Good advice this. I really could have worked harder in secondary school even though I still left with 10 caribbean certificates. (5 2's and 3's though which is really equavilent of being a B- student). I am lucky to have my father taking care of me but if he actually wasn't I would be regretting not alling out so to speak at school. So I must agree doesnt matter whant financial position your parents or in whether good or bad, pull out the stops.
hey everyone, im haitian by way of NY! nice to see all the Carb Massive on here!!!
im with Mesaba on the Saab base in MEM.....
Did anyone here make it to TNT Canrival? i had a blast down there!!!!

Left Trinidad when I was 9 but I'm dyin to reach Carnival next year.
Yall got to come up to Toronto for Caribana at the end of July. As close as you can get to TnT Carnival. Lot's of West Indian's up in TO!
Sorry to bump this again but anyone around Piarco to see Air Force one. They have a base hear at Adams Int'l for now with 5 E-3's and 4 Stratotankers.
A vicious BUMP once seen in another thread Air Jamaica looks to be sold. I just wonder what is the general thought of this situation?