Cargo-dog luggage choices?

I truly don't get the airline pilots vs backpacks thing. Like I get that some places don't allow them in uniform, but for places that don't care the people that still do have major high school issues.
I think it looks fine as long as you don't sling it over your back in uniform which I've seen a few people do. When I had my backpack I would just hook it to my suitcase.
I think it looks fine as long as you don't sling it over your back in uniform which I've seen a few people do. When I had my backpack I would just hook it to my suitcase.
Other pilots are the only people who give a flying flip.
High. School.

It's what most guys at my airline use. They have a 2-3 year lifespan if you don't check them too much. I carry an Alienware 13 (yeah yeah I'm an idiot for getting an alienware but it's been pretty good for the past 2 years). It's not going to fit a 17" laptop. I don't really know what would other than a full sized rollaboard. Anything bigger than this is going to get the stinkeye from airline gate agents unless you check your main bag (it barely fits under the seat on planes with those dadgum enteratainment boxes down there).

It's what most guys at my airline use. They have a 2-3 year lifespan if you don't check them too much. I carry an Alienware 13 (yeah yeah I'm an idiot for getting an alienware but it's been pretty good for the past 2 years). It's not going to fit a 17" laptop. I don't really know what would other than a full sized rollaboard. Anything bigger than this is going to get the stinkeye from airline gate agents unless you check your main bag (it barely fits under the seat on planes with those dadgum enteratainment boxes down there).

Could you pack 4 day's worth of clothing with this or is it just a laptop bag?
You could easily fit a week's worth of underwear, socks, a pair of jeans and a shirt or two in it plus a laptop and ipad depending on how much other stuff you were trying to carry.

They carry them at target last I checked if you wanted to take a look - the bag kind of expands like an accordion when start putting things in it. It has 3 zipper sections - a large compartment, a medium, and a smaller half sized one on the back. The medium one fits my laptop, ipad, and an accordian file for receipts and other paperwork, 60% of the bag is still empty for other crap after that.
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TL;DR Indeed! You're going to be gold on everything before you know it. Take your booze and bomb-making materials and check them. Then you get to calm the screw down and board last with a spring in your step. Take special relish in making the gate-lice all get up so you can get to your window seat. What is this, amateur hour?
Don't try to find an all in one, it doesn't exist. You either have the space and not the protection or the protection but not the space. I tried believe me. I spent a LOT of time in hotels with little to do. I eventually gave up on the perfect solution and ended up with three bags.

For daily use I use an older model of this. But not the same manufacturer.

I use every day in the airplane (my schedule is 4-5 days a week) so all my flight gear is in there permanently. When I get to the aircraft it goes in between the seats and I just grab what I need out when I need it. When I am done with the flight I just pull it from between the seats. Along with my flightgear, paper charts, GOM and food for the day, I also carry 2 ipads and a small 10 inch windows tablet PC. It's not light by any stretch but it's not overly heavy.

I have a gaming laptop I carry with me. But I have a separate laptop bag for it. Pilot bag fits perfectly between the seats and over heads for DH. When overnighting I have the usual roller bag, pilot bag sits on top and I sling the laptop bag over my shoulder. Easy enough room for a week long trip but I am never gone that long.

Don't try to fit everything in one bag. You will not end up with the best of both worlds. Get a laptop bag big enough to carry the rest of what you need. That way you get the protection for your laptop that you need. God forbid some mouth breather throw their overweight carry on on your bag and crush your screen. Ask me how I know. Now my laptop only travels in something that can go under the seat in front of me when I am traveling commercial.