California Coastline fly in food

KMRY has a great resturant on the field. You can get a crew car as well and take it into town and the city is yours to experience.
KMRY has a great resturant on the field. You can get a crew car as well and take it into town and the city is yours to experience.

Yeah, definitely stop in MRY! very cool town with tons of great places to eat. Just get the crew car at MRY Jet Center and ask for directions to cannery row
There is a 94th Aero Squadron at MYF... its a little bit off the the airport, but its there.
It's not off the airport, it's at the base of the tower. If flying in, you can ask to park over there, rather than on the other side of the runways where everyone else is.
It's not off the airport, it's at the base of the tower. If flying in, you can ask to park over there, rather than on the other side of the runways where everyone else is.

ok... never been there, just drove by a couple times. looked like you couldnt access it from the airport.
Speaking of, who's been flying N162PT lately? I've heard it on Approach the past few days, pretty sure it wasn't you.

SLC Approach?

The guy Im trying to go partners on a 210 has been the only one flying it. However a couple days ago I went out to 162PT and there were 3 extra hours on the hobbs. Im not sure who is sneaking free flight time.

Please call me if you hear it again. Most of Marks flying has been down to KPVU, no Bravo for him.

Zuniga's at Watsonville is good.

Especially when your students are paying! :)

I was a regular at Zuniga's back in my CFI days.

Also, another plug for the Elephant Bar in KSBA. There's also someplace where you can walk off airport property and head towards the pier for good ceviche as well.
KSPB was my home for 30+ yrs. The Spirit of San Luis is a great on-field restaurant. But Matthew's at KPRB beats all--I mean, ALL-- airport restaurants. Inexpensive and awesome menu.

The Golden something-something at KMRY is the pits. My suggestion is to take the crew car into town and find any number of great restaurants.

Petaluma is good. So is the steak house across the street at Livermore.
SLC Approach?

The guy Im trying to go partners on a 210 has been the only one flying it. However a couple days ago I went out to 162PT and there were 3 extra hours on the hobbs. Im not sure who is sneaking free flight time.

Please call me if you hear it again. Most of Marks flying has been down to KPVU, no Bravo for him.

Yeah, SL Approach. Heard it (and saw it on Million Air's ramp when I landed) on Thurs afternoon and again on Fri afternoon.

Still basing it at No. 2?
What the hell???!!!

I know of the KPVU flights but not any Bravo flying.

It's not Mark either, he called me and asked why there was more time on the hobss since he flew it.

Yeah its still based at U42.

Serious, next time you see it call me please. I even put new locks and a new ignition system in it due to people taking the plane. We didn't use a common Cessna lock either.

This is exactly why AirCenter at U42 doesn't have my credit card on file. There was a couple of instructors taking my plane and putting the fuel on my account. Not only that they were spinning the crap out of the plane and landing it on dirt roads in the West desert. One of the CFI's was fired and the other flunked his SKYW interview. Not sure where he is now. When all said and done they still wanted to charge me for flight time. Oh well.
Will do. Though if I see it at SLC again, it'd be cool to see the airport cops do a felony stop on a taxiing aircraft....

So I guess I can toss the key I have then? I've been hanging onto it to return to you, but never see you anymore.
Sorry bro, we keep missing the hang outs.

Yeah toss it. I can get you another one if you ever need it.

Call me before you call the cops. I'll make a few phone calls before we get them involved. They are worse than your standard street cop. Doug and I had to deal with them when someone stole all of Doug's office and put it in BTF. Even though they were helping us they were dreadful.
Wait, someone is stealing your airplane and taking joy rides in it?

Just like someone might steal your car and drive around and then bring it back?
Yeah sounds like it. It isn't the first time.

I like sharing my stuff however I think I do it so casual that people start to feel entitled to it. I'm sure I probably know whoever it is . I just need to track down who it is.