Well-Known Member
Whether accurately describing the system or not it still completely came across as whining, which I must point out is the typical tone of the large majority of your posts. I just happened to be bored enough to comment today. Sorry not sorry.
Anyway, as to whether the old system or new system is better, I can't speak to that at all. I was extremely fortunate to pretty much go straight to being a line holder with 2 months as a new hire. So I really have no experience with either system. I further have no intention of even considering taking an upgrade until I am more than halfway up the base seniority list of CA lineholders, so I very likely wouldn't experience it then either. The pay raise does not remotely make up for the QOL hit, I don't currently actually need it in any way, and I don't measure my self-worth by the ability to tell people "I'm an airline Captain." I can make my life miserable enough on my own if I so choose. I can't fathom why the hell I would let the company do it for me by completely handing them the reigns to my work life.
If you want my advice (which I doubt you do, but I'm going to give it anyway because internet) it really sounds to me like you should either bid a different reserve, bid out of SEA, or bid back to the right seat. There's a fourth option too, but I'm just not going to mention it.
You must be fun at parties.
You're also now getting worked up and defensive about getting worked up and angry when I responded factually to the question "what is unstacking."
Also, I had no idea the apathy for junior pilots was so off the charts. It's almost like there is distain for them. I'm not so worried about myself. It's the FOs stuck at the bottom of the seniority list that were not as fortunate as you.
They will probably be in this situation for years. Not that you care.
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