Made an offer on this beast, they accepted. It's got 378 hours TT on the frame. Parachute and drinks car gasoline(hello $3/hr). It's quite a step up from my 1979 Cessna 152. This being my third airplane purchase, I'm getting better and better at sniffing around for problems. I'd say the biggest mistake I made with the two previous purchases was that I never really broke in the airplane to see what problems it had. A spin around the pattern typically won't reveal its ghosts. If you're gonna buy a plane, along with the prebuy, go fly it for 1-2 hours. Offer to pay the owner. Anyways, I'm looking forward to only burning 4.5 gallons per hour. My 152 burns 6.1 @ $5.05/gal which takes me from $30.80 per hour fuel burn to $13.18. I'm going to be saving about $1711 per month on fuel savings per plane. I'm selling the 152 and I'm planning to purchase a second one within a couple of months provided this plane performs as stated. I"m really diggin the exterior color, not so much the interior however I'm planning on installing sheepskin seat covers so it won't really matter.
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