Best DVD course


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i want to get some feedback about the best DVD ground courses out there. I was looking at sporty's and it looks pretty solid. Was just wondering what recommendations people had. I have a student that says hes really a visual learner and i thought a DVD course may do him better then just book studying.
Hey everyone, i want to get some feedback about the best DVD ground courses out there. I was looking at sporty's and it looks pretty solid. Was just wondering what recommendations people had. I have a student that says hes really a visual learner and i thought a DVD course may do him better then just book studying.

I believe Kings is the leading course currently.
Hey everyone, i want to get some feedback about the best DVD ground courses out there. I was looking at sporty's and it looks pretty solid. Was just wondering what recommendations people had. I have a student that says hes really a visual learner and i thought a DVD course may do him better then just book studying.

He can check out a sample of our online/DVD course at I believe the sample login gives you access to the first volume of the private course. Feel free to throw any questions my way.
I definitely give my money to King. Much better than Sportys, and I've used both. Also used the Jeppesen, but unless you have the GFD book, then it's just a firehose of information. Sooner-do you fly into Perry very often? I'm thinking of taking a student up there, just to get out of the habit of having a "more than a mile" strip of concrete to use.
i'd have to give it to king if your student must go that route, but I'm not that much a fan of most CBT courses.
Shameless Plug:D

Hows it going?

haha! Yeah, I'm never entirely sure if I should respond to these threads or not. I figure if I don't do too much pushing of ours or putting down of the other guys, I'm hopefully not overstepping my bounds. Things are going well in good ol' OH. Are you going to the AOPA summit down there?
Is this studying meant to pass the written? Or as an aid to replace ground lessons?

If it is being used to study for writtens I still stand by my statement in many other threads that ASA's test prep software (under $50) is the best tool for studying for the writtens. It also provides a lot of good knowledge outside of the written test also.
patthepilot, the small school i work for now actually is based out of Perry so we do the majority of our work there. I have no problems with it. Wouldn't recommend taking off on 17/35 if your heavy though.

The DVD course would be to pass the written as well as take care of a lot of the ground lessons.
I watched Jepessen videos in all my ground classes (curriculum), and although they weren't bad, I would go with King b/c it seems to be the most popular.
Has anyone used the courses from MS Aviation? I've reviewed them and they seem good, but I haven't gone through a whole course yet.