Auburn Calloway's Letter to President Obama / FedEx 705

I have not seen an uptick in drug related schizophrenia or excited delirium cases. They're out there, I see them, but I haven't seen an increase in their numbers. The drug-related issues that I have seen the most change in is heroin/opioid ODs. Mostly heroin. To say it's increased "dramatically" is an understatement. I haven't seen our 2016 numbers for narcan use, but I can guarantee it's higher than 2015, which was a dramatic increase from 2014 & 2013's numbers. Most frightening are the number of heroin ODs we respond to with persons in vehicles. Driving. Yes, driving while under the influence of heroin. With their kids in the car sometimes! That's fun. Not. Heroin/opioid addiction is real, it's a disease, and it's a public health crisis. The way heroin acts on the brain is scary, to see what heroin addiction makes people do is even scarier.
I wonder what it says about our society that those who "hear voices" here generally report violent or dark voices, while in other areas of the world the voices heard are generally happy and light.
I wonder what it says about our society that those who "hear voices" here generally report violent or dark voices, while in other areas of the world the voices heard are generally happy and light.

See that's part of my theory and I mean no disrespect to Max. In order for schizophrenia to present, I believe that a psychological murder has to first take place. I believe that psychiatrists (not all of them) are deliberately stimulating traumatic scenarios that are driving the behavior, in order to justify kidnapping, drugging and billing insurance to the maximum extent possible. There are whistleblowers coming forward saying just that in any case. Basically, the scam works by stimulating suicidal ideation in a person who is majorly depressed to begin with. Its downright wicked when you start to dig and I have witnessed this taking place first hand.
+ 1 regarding spice induced schizophrenia. We agree. I am convinced that clandestine research is taking place with synthetic marijuana.

I smoked some cannabis a few times in college and ate a whole lot of popcorn once but I wasn't seeing dead people and visions in the clouds. I qualify for a card but, I believe people using cannabis for medical reasons should grow their own cannabis from unmolested seeds.

I disagree with you 100% that schizophrenia is genetic. In my view its trauma induced. Extreme stress and trauma combined with just the right psychoactive are triggering schizophrenia IMHO.

It runs in families.
Schizophrenia is most definitely genetic, like bipolar it is a biochemical disorder related to either low or high releases of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. Most individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar generally have their first psychotic break from reality anywhere from age 16-22, but up to the age of 25 is not too uncommon.

Now a new form more popular of schizophrenia that we're seeing all the time is drug induced schizophrenia/bi-polar or psychotic disorder. From meth use, LSD or any other forms of psychedelics. But more especially from the new class of designer drugs, such as Spice or Bath Salts, or whatever new iteration that comes out.

I work weekends at the county Psychiatric Intensive care unit and the associated court ordered in-patient facility. We're typically hit pretty hard with new admissions coming in with cases drug induced schizophrenia/bi-polar or psychotic disorder for 72 hour observation. In most cases it's only a temporary affliction and after several days with medication we can see a return to competency, usually with only minor lasting impairments, or none at all depending on any number of factors. I don't know what happens after discharge. But we also sadly do see some lasting permanent mental paralysis as a result. Lots of times the cases coming in are from young college age kids, that went to a party to unwind, and are now paranoid, violent, delusional and talking to/seeing unseen others.

We just got an 19 yr old admitted two weeks ago who in a throes of a psychotic delusion killed a passerbyer with a rock, because he thought that he was defending himself from a walking dead invasion. Stupid kid did something at an ASU party, and now after he is stabilized and leaves our facility, if he can ever be fully stabilized will either be going to jail, or the state hospital system for life or who knows how long. All he does now on the unit is sit and stare out in space for hours drooling or talking to himself. Or stare at himself in the mirror endlessly, or try to fight his reflection in the mirror. Or pace back and forth and talk and laugh to himself inappropriately with a strange affect and a creepy glare like he's seeing right through you, with a huge inappropriate smile. Sad.

I wonder if @MQAAord has seen an sharp uptick in drug related schizophrenia cases on her runs. Or if @MikeD who's wife's paramedic outfit probably... definitely transfers/drops off a lot of patients at our facility has ever remarked about an increase in such cases.

This. I knew a guy that got into bad sh@t one weekend at college and suffered a mental break with serious, permanent issues.

Couple of options here:

1) It was just some plain bad sh@t, which is the same as drinking drain cleaner, methanol or any other toxic substance.
2) Pre-existing disorder or medical issue, like an allergy, that caused a serious cerebral reaction with permanent damage. Perhaps an existing disorder that might have been mild is triggered.
3) Some bad interaction with something else in the body, alcohol being the number one culprit, but it could have been anything...speed, cannabis, meth, whatever.

The take away is even if your stupid buddy can get away with taking it, doesn't mean you can.

Max is right on the mark here. The hybrid MJ is far more powerful...and it's GENETICALLY ENGINEERED that way... than your typical Californian ditch weed. The results, effect on body chemistry and long term effects at these concentrations are wholly unpredictable.

Avoid. Avoid individuals that use. Avoid situations. This is one of those cases that you make your own luck and your choices have consequences.

See that's part of my theory and I mean no disrespect to Max. In order for schizophrenia to present, I believe that a psychological murder has to first take place. I believe that psychiatrists (not all of them) are deliberately stimulating traumatic scenarios that are driving the behavior, in order to justify kidnapping, drugging and billing insurance to the maximum extent possible. There are whistleblowers coming forward saying just that in any case. Basically, the scam works by stimulating suicidal ideation in a person who is majorly depressed to begin with. Its downright wicked when you start to dig and I have witnessed this taking place first hand.

A REAL question. No shade as all the cool kids are saying these days. But are you... maybe schizophrenic yourself? Or maybe have schizotypal personality disorder? I ask because what you just said is often a very popular overheard delusion heard at work coming from the schizophrenics or the psychotics. That and saying that the CIA planted a monitoring chip in their brain.
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Now a new form more popular of schizophrenia that we're seeing all the time is drug induced schizophrenia/bi-polar or psychotic disorder. From meth use, LSD or any other forms of psychedelics. But more especially from the new class of designer drugs, such as Spice or Bath Salts, or whatever new iteration that comes out.

While I won't argue that designer drugs are new, drug induced psychosis or whatever the clinical term for this, is not really. My uncle became addicted to heroin during service in the Korean War, came back, somehow made the transition to amphetamines during their heyday in the Bay Area while he was a grad student @ Stanford, worked a couple years afterwards balancing life and drugs, and then fell into the hole of complete addiction sometime in the early 1960's. By the early/mid 70's, he had been hospitalized, and remained that way until his death about 10 years ago. By my dad's own intentions, I never met him, though my older siblings did just before he went into a state institution. When my mom and dad last visited him, while he was terminally ill, he spoke incoherently, couldn't remember either of them, and had not ingested a drug in at least 20 years (aside from those needed medically). Really sad life he led, and a really sad condition for a lot of people.