AS hiring Aug 2024

Good luck fellas! I hope Alaska and United hiring right now means that by the time I have my cert in December there’ll be plenty of opportunities for me at the Regionals y’all are leaving🤣
Good luck! Seems like even regionals are getting really competitive. Half of my class had some sort of pilot certificate too.
Good luck, all! I wonder how many actually make it to the interview. Heard getting an invite itself is a challenge.
5 from what I heard. ASA generally hires small sized classes compared to other majors. A lot of people don't even make it to interview without couple years of experience
Sweet, I’m not applying because I have no chance but I was curious
My date for my oral + practical is early september. I have 6+ years of airline operations experience and a BS in IT. I threw an app in just for shoots and giggles to see what happens not holding out for them though, goodluck to everyone!