I'll try and run through it from memory:

One Pack is MEL so the highest you can go is FL250
The FA's medlink comm system is down so you have to use the SATCOM
Apparently they made the scenario harder and you had to use DTMF but that changed by the time I saw it.

Flight is ANC - SEA
There are reports of severe icing between 190-220
Right around YAK someone in the back has a medical issue
I called medlink and this was easy for me since almost every flight out of ANC or FAI has some unhealthy person who tries to die
Medlink determines the PAX is fine, for now.
ATC calls for a route change
FAs call and PAX has gotten much, much worse. Medlink recommends a diversion to JNU as there is a state hospital there.
Divert to JNU, ask FO to slow the aircraft down. He was all gouged up and knew he had to do it anyway.
Program FMC for JNU, call dispatch, call FAs make PA
Set up the RNP for 08 weather and winds are good enough for this best option
Descend through severe icing
Captains PITOT caution light
Captains airspeed fails with associated lights/errors
Autopilot disengages
Memory items for unreliable airspeed
Run several page long checklist for unreliable airspeed/FMC is degraded
Switch to LDA 08 and hand build missed approach into FMC
Additional ATC reroute
Build entire approach again and missed
Approach needs to be flown as a VS/LNAV
Still not done with a checklist, can't remember which one
My FO did a great job but when we broke out at 3000' or so I had to talk him through the landing at JNU, since he's a 6 month guy he'd never seen it IRL. I was pretty busy pointing out the lights through the cut, the cut and giving very explicit instruction to not get too high in the turn to final.
I apologized for micromanaging but he didn't mind it's hard to see the lights for the runway in the sim and the flight through the cut is kind of not what you'd expect to see at a major airline...

At the 3/4 point of this monstrosity I just went into triage mode and I didn't build the approach perfectly the second time but I ran out of F's in my F's jar. So we had to identify one waypoint via DME. I got a bit of feedback about that.

I also skipped a waypoint on a J route. During one of the reroutes because it was just direct anyway. Also got feedback about that.

As always I just sat there and said oh yes mighty instructor I have so much to learn through the debrief. When in reality I probably would have just done what our director of safety did and just continue on to SEA. I actually experienced this out of FAI in real life and Medlink just kept us going to SEA. JNU was looking possible but awful and the captain agreed we probably should divert into there.

Lives of the many vs. the few and all.
Imagine all that but for some reason you forgot you can’t put any pressure on the controls when engaging the autopilot so it fails to engage and silly you assumed THAT TOO is broken so you hand fly the whole approach. All this is hypothetical of course :bounce:.
jeebus Ketchikan has a hospital too and an ILS, and there’s a medevac jet sitting in a hangar down the way.

But what do I know I’m just tryna cooperate and graduate
I think they said the ferry was broken.
I don't understand why you have to build an LDA in the FMC. Couldn't it be flown green needles using LOC mode and V/S? Seems like that would be a lot easier than messing with the FMC. Dive and drive baby.
It's the missed that has to be built. It can be flown raw data but it's a pain in the ass.
Does your CBA offer no jeopardy in such an assignment?

If you’re an FO and you get called out the instructor spends the entire time busting on you. Even though it’s not your event. Ask me how I know.

We are a captain centric airline. I haven’t been called out as a CA but it’s not as bad I’m thinking.

You also can’t pick up open time sims on reserve to seat sub. Which sucks because that’s how I learned the LOE as an FO.

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I'll try and run through it from memory:

One Pack is MEL so the highest you can go is FL250
The FA's medlink comm system is down so you have to use the SATCOM
Apparently they made the scenario harder and you had to use DTMF but that changed by the time I saw it.

Flight is ANC - SEA
There are reports of severe icing between 190-220
Right around YAK someone in the back has a medical issue
I called medlink and this was easy for me since almost every flight out of ANC or FAI has some unhealthy person who tries to die
Medlink determines the PAX is fine, for now.
ATC calls for a route change
FAs call and PAX has gotten much, much worse. Medlink recommends a diversion to JNU as there is a state hospital there.
Divert to JNU, ask FO to slow the aircraft down. He was all gouged up and knew he had to do it anyway.
Program FMC for JNU, call dispatch, call FAs make PA
Set up the RNP for 08 weather and winds are good enough for this best option
Descend through severe icing
Captains PITOT caution light
Captains airspeed fails with associated lights/errors
Autopilot disengages
Memory items for unreliable airspeed
Run several page long checklist for unreliable airspeed/FMC is degraded
Switch to LDA 08 and hand build missed approach into FMC
Additional ATC reroute
Build entire approach again and missed
Approach needs to be flown as a VS/LNAV
Still not done with a checklist, can't remember which one
My FO did a great job but when we broke out at 3000' or so I had to talk him through the landing at JNU, since he's a 6 month guy he'd never seen it IRL. I was pretty busy pointing out the lights through the cut, the cut and giving very explicit instruction to not get too high in the turn to final.
I apologized for micromanaging but he didn't mind it's hard to see the lights for the runway in the sim and the flight through the cut is kind of not what you'd expect to see at a major airline...

At the 3/4 point of this monstrosity I just went into triage mode and I didn't build the approach perfectly the second time but I ran out of F's in my F's jar. So we had to identify one waypoint via DME. I got a bit of feedback about that.

I also skipped a waypoint on a J route. During one of the reroutes because it was just direct anyway. Also got feedback about that.

As always I just sat there and said oh yes mighty instructor I have so much to learn through the debrief. When in reality I probably would have just done what our director of safety did and just continue on to SEA. I actually experienced this out of FAI in real life and Medlink just kept us going to SEA. JNU was looking possible but awful and the captain agreed we probably should divert into there.

Lives of the many vs. the few and all.
That is nonsense.
I'll try and run through it from memory:

One Pack is MEL so the highest you can go is FL250
The FA's medlink comm system is down so you have to use the SATCOM
Apparently they made the scenario harder and you had to use DTMF but that changed by the time I saw it.

Flight is ANC - SEA
There are reports of severe icing between 190-220
Right around YAK someone in the back has a medical issue
I called medlink and this was easy for me since almost every flight out of ANC or FAI has some unhealthy person who tries to die
Medlink determines the PAX is fine, for now.
ATC calls for a route change
FAs call and PAX has gotten much, much worse. Medlink recommends a diversion to JNU as there is a state hospital there.
Divert to JNU, ask FO to slow the aircraft down. He was all gouged up and knew he had to do it anyway.
Program FMC for JNU, call dispatch, call FAs make PA
Set up the RNP for 08 weather and winds are good enough for this best option
Descend through severe icing
Captains PITOT caution light
Captains airspeed fails with associated lights/errors
Autopilot disengages
Memory items for unreliable airspeed
Run several page long checklist for unreliable airspeed/FMC is degraded
Switch to LDA 08 and hand build missed approach into FMC
Additional ATC reroute
Build entire approach again and missed
Approach needs to be flown as a VS/LNAV
Still not done with a checklist, can't remember which one
My FO did a great job but when we broke out at 3000' or so I had to talk him through the landing at JNU, since he's a 6 month guy he'd never seen it IRL. I was pretty busy pointing out the lights through the cut, the cut and giving very explicit instruction to not get too high in the turn to final.
I apologized for micromanaging but he didn't mind it's hard to see the lights for the runway in the sim and the flight through the cut is kind of not what you'd expect to see at a major airline...

At the 3/4 point of this monstrosity I just went into triage mode and I didn't build the approach perfectly the second time but I ran out of F's in my F's jar. So we had to identify one waypoint via DME. I got a bit of feedback about that.

I also skipped a waypoint on a J route. During one of the reroutes because it was just direct anyway. Also got feedback about that.

As always I just sat there and said oh yes mighty instructor I have so much to learn through the debrief. When in reality I probably would have just done what our director of safety did and just continue on to SEA. I actually experienced this out of FAI in real life and Medlink just kept us going to SEA. JNU was looking possible but awful and the captain agreed we probably should divert into there.

Lives of the many vs. the few and all.
Do you guys have student critiques and do they actually listen to them?

One of the great things about my current shop is that they take student critiques VERY seriously. The instructors can complain to Standards all they want, but it falls on deaf ears. If it's written up in the critiques though, things happen.

One instructor explained it best to me:
Old Testament
New Testament
Student Critiques
According to @Screaming_Emu it doesn't matter what seat I'm in. Or where I work. Or the rates of insanity at the training center. I'm the problem and I should go through our helmet fire exercise again.

Did I hurt your feelings or something?

I’ll admit that does sound like a s show of a training department, but that’s only because others have vouched for it.
I'll try and run through it from memory:

One Pack is MEL so the highest you can go is FL250
The FA's medlink comm system is down so you have to use the SATCOM
Apparently they made the scenario harder and you had to use DTMF but that changed by the time I saw it.

Flight is ANC - SEA
There are reports of severe icing between 190-220
Right around YAK someone in the back has a medical issue
I called medlink and this was easy for me since almost every flight out of ANC or FAI has some unhealthy person who tries to die
Medlink determines the PAX is fine, for now.
ATC calls for a route change
FAs call and PAX has gotten much, much worse. Medlink recommends a diversion to JNU as there is a state hospital there.
Divert to JNU, ask FO to slow the aircraft down. He was all gouged up and knew he had to do it anyway.
Program FMC for JNU, call dispatch, call FAs make PA
Set up the RNP for 08 weather and winds are good enough for this best option
Descend through severe icing
Captains PITOT caution light
Captains airspeed fails with associated lights/errors
Autopilot disengages
Memory items for unreliable airspeed
Run several page long checklist for unreliable airspeed/FMC is degraded
Switch to LDA 08 and hand build missed approach into FMC
Additional ATC reroute
Build entire approach again and missed
Approach needs to be flown as a VS/LNAV
Still not done with a checklist, can't remember which one
My FO did a great job but when we broke out at 3000' or so I had to talk him through the landing at JNU, since he's a 6 month guy he'd never seen it IRL. I was pretty busy pointing out the lights through the cut, the cut and giving very explicit instruction to not get too high in the turn to final.
I apologized for micromanaging but he didn't mind it's hard to see the lights for the runway in the sim and the flight through the cut is kind of not what you'd expect to see at a major airline...

At the 3/4 point of this monstrosity I just went into triage mode and I didn't build the approach perfectly the second time but I ran out of F's in my F's jar. So we had to identify one waypoint via DME. I got a bit of feedback about that.

I also skipped a waypoint on a J route. During one of the reroutes because it was just direct anyway. Also got feedback about that.

As always I just sat there and said oh yes mighty instructor I have so much to learn through the debrief. When in reality I probably would have just done what our director of safety did and just continue on to SEA. I actually experienced this out of FAI in real life and Medlink just kept us going to SEA. JNU was looking possible but awful and the captain agreed we probably should divert into there.

Lives of the many vs. the few and all.
About hallfway through that you should "call dispatch", aka the sim instructor, and notify him that we are continuing on to SEA and have the coroner standing by because we aint doin all this :) :) :) .
Do you guys have student critiques and do they actually listen to them?

One of the great things about my current shop is that they take student critiques VERY seriously. The instructors can complain to Standards all they want, but it falls on deaf ears. If it's written up in the critiques though, things happen.

One instructor explained it best to me:
Old Testament
New Testament
Student Critiques

They stopped sending them to me after 2021 when I grieved my CQ for shenanigans and won.

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