Applying to the "career destination" airlines

I know as far as UAL goes, I can count on one hand how many people I know hired there without a LCA letter but knew quite a few who got called almost as soon as they applied with that background.

There could be some truth to the above. The Senior VP of UAL Flt Ops who probably has a say in the hiring standards is an ex NWA pilot. NWA seemed to put a higher priority for those with LOR. I know a couple of friends that had apps on file were called within a week of me submitting letters. There is a tendency to use what has worked well in the past.
Mission accomplished. Well played. :bounce: Always a fan of Laff-A-Lympics. When getting up at a ridiculously early hour on the weekend was acceptable all for a cartoon. Now, not so much. :fury:

I nominally agree.

In a fit of retro, I got up at 0600 on a recent Saturday and had a 2 bowls of Count Chocula.

By the time I came down off the sugar rush at 0645, my lawn was mowed, the laundry was folded, the bills were paid, the cat box was cleaned, the roof was fixed and the floor was vacuumed.

I had to sleep it off until around noon and I was pooped the rest of the day.

Definitely a kid's thing.

I'll just be here collecting another type rating and moving over to the left seat, for instance.

(Which, not sure if that actually matters. I would like some real, concrete feedback on why I haven't gotten a call. Otherwise, it's just random, misdirected energy.)

Maybe E-145, E-120, E-180 SIC time isn't valued?
Dove tailing on what some others have said.

I have 8+ year FOs sitting next to me who have been raising the landing gear for DAL for the entire time, showing loyalty by not ditching their current airline. Due to bad luck they are still FOs, but I will be honest. SouthJet would be better off hiring them over me.
Meanwhile I've jumpseated on regionals which will remain nameless where the fast upgrade captains have class dates. Watching these "kids" operate I was horrified at the thought of paying pax being in the back, yet these pilots got the call before my FOs as they had the PIC turbine time. They were clueless, but hey. They checked he box.

Wow, what arrogance. I know some guys who got quick upgrades at 'nameless regionals' who are extraordinary professionals, gave back to their Pilot group and have rightfully moved up the food chain quickly. They are the adults here, not you child.

If I could be king for a day I would get these FOs jobs ahead of me. Every one of hem are class acts, great FOs and would be great captains if not for their bad luck and loyalty. The legacies have no idea what they are missing out on.

Well you aren't any king, even for a day.

It isn't the legacies missing out on these guys and gals. It is these guys and gals missing out on the legacies.

Look at @Trip7 . He was a SIC at your place and moved on. GOOD FOR HIM! You know what? He was a well rounded individual and didn't let the fact that he only had SIC time hold him back. He got out there, and put himself in a position to meet people.

Stop being such an arrogant, jealous, classless child putting down folks that are moving on while your poor me 8 year FOs aren't.
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I nominally agree.

In a fit of retro, I got up at 0600 on a recent Saturday and had a 2 bowls of Count Chocula.

By the time I came down off the sugar rush at 0645, my lawn was mowed, the laundry was folded, the bills were paid, the cat box was cleaned, the roof was fixed and the floor was vacuumed.

I had to sleep it off until around noon and I was pooped the rest of the day.

Definitely a kid's thing.


LOL. Who knew Count Chocula brought with it so much clarity and accomplishments? That is the secret sauce to getting things in order for a jump to the majors and not making mistakes on the application! :biggrin: Hope that lawnmower was quiet!
Let go of the numbers.

A 12000 hour CRJ captain should have some LCA, chief pilot or some other leadership on his resume. Don't shoot the messenger.

I get it, it seems like the legacies want total package applicants, and just flying the line for 15 years ain't gonna cut it. What sucks, is that at my company, FOs can't really hold any above and beyond management positions, just union volunteer stuff. My desire to do more is there but my hands are tied so to speak. Being management, and a training captain at multiple previous jobs would show a pattern of wanting to do more I would think, no?
Few people seem to exist with the amazing character you have. It is quite selfless and shows how much integrity you have. I am sure they have learned from the example you have shown them.

Actually, he just posted some of the most classless posts and view points I have seen on here. Instead of being happy folks are moving on, using it as an opportunity to maybe network for himself or someone else, he bashed them.

Extraordinary classLESS. Hopefully the FOs he flies with don't listen to a word he says.
Well you aren't any king, even for a day.

It isn't the legacies missing out on these guys and gals. It is these guys and gals missing out on the legacies.

Look at @Trip7 . He was a SIC at your place and moved on.

Stop being such an arrogant, jealous, classless child putting down folks that are moving on while your poor me 8 year FOs aren't.

Is that necessary? People are free to express their opinions, and shouldn't be bullied because of it. This is an incredibly competitive industry, and there isn't rhyme or reason for everything. Some people progress in record time, some don't. But, they shouldn't be belittled because of the exceptions that happen at times with hiring, and for having the back of your friends. Which shouldn't we all?
Is that necessary? People are free to express their opinions, and shouldn't be bullied because of it. This is an incredibly competitive industry, and there isn't rhyme or reason for everything. Some people progress in record time, some don't. But, they shouldn't be belittled because of the exceptions that happen at times with hiring, and for having the back of your friends. Which shouldn't we all?

Yes, completely necessary.

HE is the one belittling others. Instead of thinking 'Ok, this guy is moving on, maybe I can pick his brain and see if my friend Bob can give him a call.' He just sits there pissed the guy is moving on.
Yes, completely necessary.

HE is the one belittling others. Instead of thinking 'Ok, this guy is moving on, maybe I can pick his brain and see if my friend Bob can give him a call.' He just sits there pissed the guy is moving on.

You know full well that one of the biggest issues with this process involves people comparing each other, the paths they followed to get to a major, and it is paralyzing. Frankly, if people would stop worrying about how "Joe Schmo" moved from a regional to major, and focused on themselves and standing out, maybe it wouldn't be the frustrating cluster it seems to have turned into. Sorry, that probably turned into more of a vent based on my current situation, because the blame seems to be focused in the wrong place.
Yes, completely necessary.

HE is the one belittling others. Instead of thinking 'Ok, this guy is moving on, maybe I can pick his brain and see if my friend Bob can give him a call.' He just sits there pissed the guy is moving on.

You seem to have missed my point.
I am not upset that I have not been called to the big show. No bitterness at all. If I stay where I am for the last 12 years I will have $ in my 401(k), a military retirement, and can look back at my life and say it's been good.

I do feel for those whose timing was bad and picked the wrong horse to ride. Could they jump ship? Sure, but that's no guarantee. The timing has to be right. Look at some of the quick upgrade places that are now offering FO retention bonuses. They aren't offering them because of fast upgrades.

I don't feel entitled to anything. I tell my young FOs who have been in the industry for 8 years but are in their early thirties not to worry- they will be 65 before they know it and will wonder where the time went.

You, however, need to grow up. Read what people actually write. Stop being so angry at everyone.
You, however, need to grow up. Read what people actually write. Stop being so angry at everyone.

I read exactly what you wrote, <edited>.

Dove tailing on what some others have said.

I have 8+ year FOs sitting next to me who have been raising the landing gear for DAL for the entire time, showing loyalty by not ditching their current airline. Due to bad luck they are still FOs, but I will be honest. SouthJet would be better off hiring them over me.
Meanwhile I've jumpseated on regionals which will remain nameless where the fast upgrade captains have class dates. Watching these "kids" operate I was horrified at the thought of paying pax being in the back, yet these pilots got the call before my FOs as they had the PIC turbine time. They were clueless, but hey. They checked he box.

Once again, this post wreaks of jealousy, arrogance, and entitlement. I know folks who got a quick upgrade and moved on from various regionals. GOOD FOR THEM! I also know for a fact they are more professional than you will ever be.

If I could be king for a day I would get these FOs jobs ahead of me. Every one of hem are class acts, great FOs and would be great captains if not for their bad luck and loyalty. The legacies have no idea what they are missing out on.

You don't need PIC time to be hired at a legacy. There are dozens of folks on here hired at career destination airlines with no or little TPIC.
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I read exactly what you wrote, <edited>.

Once again, this post wreaks of jealousy, arrogance, and entitlement. I know folks who got a quick upgrade and moved on from various regionals. GOOD FOR THEM! I also know for a fact they are more professional than you will ever be.

You don't need PIC time to be hired at a legacy. There are dozens of folks on here hired at career destination airlines with no or little TPIC.

I am jealous of nothing. I feel entitled to nothing. Once again you twist what people write.
I feel for others and would like to see some of them hired because I have flown with them and seen how they perform. I don't feel they are entitled, and I especially don't feel entitled.

Please, don't talk about my professionalism. You have never flown with me and would probably not know me from jack.

Now run along little boy before we tell mommy you're on the computer after bed time.
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I am jealous of nothing. I feel entitled to nothing. Once again you twist what people write.
I feel for others and would like to see some of them hired because I have flown with them and seen how they perform. I don't feel they are entitled, and I especially don't feel entitled.

Once again, if they perform that well, then there are opportunities to get out in front of the legacies. Dozens of folks on here have done that.

Please, don't talk about my professionalism. You have never flown with me and would probably not know me from jack.

As stated, I know folks at various regionals with quick upgrades. They will be more professional than you can ever imagine.
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you're hurting my feelings and I'm not feeling special...
The Lottery at USAir only weeded out resumes. Of that group that was lottery selection CP and others went through by hand and graded and weeded it out further.
While we all won and got trophies I'm not delusional enough to believe I would've ever been called by AA. I applied Oct 2 2013 the day after their window opened and have yet to receive a call...

US hired over a dozen guys I know personally from my old commuter, only one that I know of has gotten hired post AA hiring board taking over.

It's not that we aren't good people, but most of us would not have been called to interview at AA had we not gotten on at US when we did. This thread is a great example. Lots of good people in it, dedicated to their employer and passengers, genuinely care about doing a decent job, yet no call. I know exactly how it feels because I was in their position as well.
Honestly I have no idea how to meet these people. I don't fly at a regional with Delta flying. I rarely end up at Delta airports. According to my Delta internal the CPs no longer do meetings with applicants (he tried to set one up for me). Networking is clearly not my forte and I am ignored as a result. Networking ability does not translate to customer service skills or an ability to get along with your co-workers.

My internal isn't management but has been involved directly with hiring in the past. I even worked for the guy at his own business so it isn't a cheap jumpseat internal. He filled out both recommendations (airlineapps and internal) for me. He has talked to his buddies on the hiring board and doesn't understand why I haven't gotten a call.

This is the stuff that gets agrivating.

Gotta pull the BS flag just a little.

But don't hate me, I mean this in peace.

If I don't know your first name, you're not trying hard enough.
Amen. 100% agree, not that you necessarily are the gatekeeper to all mainline jobs. ;) Or, are you? o_O

No, I've just been doing this website thing for too long and know a scary amount of people who are, in fact, the gatekeepers.

"Hey, that guy at American said…"

"Jamie? Ted? Johnny? That guy owes me money!" :)